
How do I find the bank statements I am looking for in Zoho Books?

Your bank statements and transactions are recorded in Zoho Books to keep track of the money coming in and going out of your business. 

Businesses deal with a substantial amount of transactions on the daily and if you are looking for a particular bank statement or a transaction, it can be quite difficult to browse through all the transactions. 

You can either do an advanced search or filter transactions by their status and find the transactions you’re looking for.

Filter Transactions by Their Status

If you have know the status (matched, categorized, uncategorized, manually excluded and all transactions) of the transaction, you can filter the transactions or statements and spot your transaction. To do this:

  • Go to Banking.
  • Select the Uncategorized Transactions or the All transactions dropdown next to the Overview tab.
  • Select a status and it lists all the transactions. 

You can then take a quick look and identify the transaction you searched for. 

If you want to perform a more specific search, you can use the advanced search feature. 

Advanced Search that helps you to find exactly the statements or transactions you are looking for. You can find transactions based on the

  • amount range
  • arbitrary date range 
  • status (matched, categorized, uncategorized, manually excluded and all transactions)
  • reference number
  • payee

To perform an advanced search:

  • Go to Banking and select an account.
  • Click the magnifier icon beside the search bar.
  • Click Advanced Search on the bottom of the screen.
  • First, you have to select whether you want to search through statements or transactions.

Statements: You can select this option if you want to search through all the bank statements that were fetched or imported. By doing so, you will be able to filter the statements that are matched, categorized, uncategorized and manually excluded.


Transactions: Transactions are the statements that are already categorized or matched. You can select this option if you want search the categorized transactions or the transactions that were added manually. By doing so, you will be able to filter the transactions that are matched, categorized, unreconciled and manually added.

  • Enter or select the values in the desired search parameters to refine your results.
  • Click Search.

If you are still not able to find the transaction you are looking for in spite of following the above steps, you can send a mail to along with the following details:

  • Bank account name
  • Details of the transaction or the statement  
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