Plan Comparison

Compare and select a plan that fits you the best.


Local taxes (VAT, GST, etc.) will be charged in addition to the prices mentioned.

Billed AnnuallyFree / agent / month / agent / month / agent / month / agent / month
Billed MonthlyFree / agent / month / agent / month / agent / month / agent / month
Agent Limit3 Free agents5 AgentsUnlimitedUnlimitedUnlimited
Light Agent-- / light agent / month / light agent / month50 Free Light Agents
Add on / light agent / month


E-mail ticketsConvert emails into tickets automatically when you add email as a channel.
Comment in ticketAdd private comments to internal teams.
Private conversations in ticketConverse with external agents and consultants, and quickly resolve problems on the same ticket without notifying the customer until you wish to.
Spam ticketsMark tickets as spam.
Ticket historySee the activity on a ticket in chronological order.
Ticket resolution noteMake internal notes about successful solutions to issues.
Ticket tagsAdd labels to tickets to organize them intuitively.10 / Ticket10 / Ticket20 / Ticket30 / Ticket50 / Ticket
Add resolution as KBDirectly add the ticket resolution as an article in your Knowledge Base.-
Suggested articlesPulls relevant answers from your FAQs and Knowledge Base and displays them alongside the ticket.-
Merge tickets Merge similar tickets into a single one to avoid redundancy.-
Split ticketsSplit up a ticket with more than one topic, for better accountability.-
Clone ticketCreate duplicate tickets whenever required.-
Ticket timelineSee a timeline of all the past tickets from a particular customer.-
Read / Unread ticketsChange the status of the ticket from read to unread and vice versa.-
Pinned conversationPrevent important messages from getting buried beneath other conversations by pinning them to the top of the ticket conversation tab.-
FollowersFollow specific tickets and customers.--
Time entryKeep track of time spent on every ticket and manage billable hours.--
ApprovalsAsk for internal approvals in the context of a specific ticket.---
Team ownershipAssign tickets to teams, rather than individual agents.---
Ticket sharingShare tickets with other agents to collaborate and solve issues.---
Send as emailSend outbound emails to your customers .---
Mass reply Respond to multiple tickets at once, ensuring quicker resolutions and consistency.---
Scheduled replySchedule replies for a specific date and time.---
Parent-child ticketingCreate multiple sub-tickets (child ticket) for a primary ticket (parent ticket), *Early Access---


Quick ticket view (Peek view)View ticket content from the list view, without having to open it.
Response editor with rich text supportFormat your responses for better clarity and understanding.
Advanced searchSearch across all modules from a single place.
Response draftSave in-progress responses as drafts automatically.
Table viewView tickets in a simple table, with all the columns you need to see.-
Keyboard shortcutsUse keyboard shortcuts to perform routine ticket tasks.-
Agent queueQuick way to access open tickets under each agent.-
Teams queueQuick way to access open tickets under each team.---
Search facetQuickly find the item you're looking for by eliminating what you don't need.--
Snippets for faster responseCreate and use pre-written phrases to avoid typing out common answers every time.--
Email templates in replyCreate and deploy pre-typed email templates for faster replies.--
Work modesView tickets based on time, priority, status, or CRM information via Work Modes.--
Review ticket repliesSend ticket responses for review to senior employees.---
Gamescope for agentsUse incentives and rewards to encourage agents to perform better.---
Agent idle timeoutSet a limit on how long your agents can sit idle before their availability status changes from online to offline.---


Real time updates in ticket list & detail viewGet real-time updates for any changes made to a ticket.--
Real time ticket count in starred viewsGet real-time updates of the ticket count in starred views.--
Team feedsView and interact with a feed of recent updates from customer tickets.--
Agent collision detectionGet notified instantly when another agent works on the same ticket.---
Agent collision chatQuickly chat with the other agent when you find yourselves both working on the same ticket.---
Agent collision reply avoidanceGet notified instantly when another agent begins to formulate a reply.---


Email channelThis refers to your support email address.12510100
Help centerSet up a self-service portal for your customers.
Feedback widgetAdd the Advanced Web Form as a portable widget to your website .1111 / department1 / department
Advanced web formsAllow potentials and customers to log tickets via forms on any web page.1151050
X (Twitter)Receive and respond to tickets via X (Twitter) directly from Zoho Desk .-1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)2 brands (add-on brand available on request)
FacebookReceive and respond to tickets via Facebook directly from Zoho Desk .-1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)2 brands (add-on brand available on request)
InstagramReceive and respond to tickets via Instagram comments and posts directly from Zoho Desk-1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)1 brand (add-on brand available on request)2 brands (add-on brand available on request)
Community forumsBuild a community of customers and users by opening a forum where they can talk to each other.--
TelephonyIntegrate with a host of telephony providers to offer support over the phone .---
Live chatChat with customers on your website and convert conversations to tickets.----


WhatsAppCommunicate with customers on WhatsApp from Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging module.--Yes (Usage-based charges applied by WhatsApp )Yes (Usage-based charges applied by WhatsApp )Yes (Usage-based charges applied by WhatsApp )
TelegramCommunicate with customers on Telegram from Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging module.--
WechatCommunicate with customers on WeChat from Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging module.--
LINECommunicate with customers on Line from Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging module.--
Facebook MessengerCommunicate with customers on Facebook pages from Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging module--
InstagramCommunicate with customers on Instagram DM from Zoho Desk's Instant messaging module--
DashboardMonitor all your instant messaging conversations data in one place.--
WhatsApp sandboxTest the functionality of WhatsApp Business Messaging APIs even before getting your WABA approved.--
Canned messagesSave pre-drafted responses to common questions, and other interactions.--
Auto-responsesSet auto-responses to keep customers engaged when you are out of office, or in any other instance.--
WhatsApp Template MessagesSend WhatsApp pre-approved Highly Structured Messages through our Integrated WhatsApp Channel.--
Ticket conversionConvert WhatsApp conversations into tickets.--
Embeddable optionsEmbed instant messaging chat button, link, or QR code on your website.--
Profanity managementDetect inappropriate language and block abusive users.--
Chat transferAssign conversations to the right person.--
NotificationsReceive real time notifications of chat activities.--
Customer happiness ratingsCollect customer feedback on the quality of support and experience offered to customers on your messaging apps through ratings. *available for WhatsApp, Line, Telegram, Facebook Messenger, Instagram--
Custom workflowsAutomate actions when certain conditions are met.---
Blueprint in IMCreate flowcharts with automated transitions for your IM tickets to ensure error free and well-monitored ticketing flow---
IM webhooks in Zoho DeskAutomate event-driven tasks between your messaging apps and existing business workflows---
Chatbots in IM Enable rule-based chatbots for your messaging channels to ensure 24/7 support *currently available for WhatsApp, Instagram,Telegram, Business Messaging, Line, Messenger. ----


Notification rulesUse rules to notify agents and customers about progress made on tickets .
MacrosCombine actions performed frequently on tickets into macros that can be manually applied .22515 / department30 / department
Workflow rulesA set of actions that are executed when certain specified conditions are met.-1 / module (ticket module only)5 / module15 / department / module30 / department / module
Supervise - Time-based rulesCreate rules for time-based events such as ticket resolution reminders.--515 / department30 / department
Custom actions gallery in workflowsWorkflow actions in addition to alerts, tasks, field updates, skills, and custom functions that are available by default.---
Custom functions in workflowsAutomate actions in related help desk modules or other third-party apps when a specific event occurs.----
SchedulesExecute automated actions through custom functions either at a specific time or on a recurring basis. .----10 / department
Field watchingTrigger pre-defined rules when a field is updated.----
Contract and support plansProvide custom support plans to your customers, and link each plan with a SLA automation.----


Direct assignment to agents and teamsWrite rules to automatically assign tickets to specific agents based on criteria you set.-251530
Round-robin ticket assignment by load balancing Use Round robin scheduling to assign tickets to agents based on their current load.---10 / department15 / department
Round-robin sequential assignmentAssigns tickets equally among agents in a specific sequence, either alphabetically or based on a custom sequence configured for a round-robin rule.---
Agent specific threshold in Round-robin assignmentSet threshold limitations for ticket assigment in round-robin rule to ensure fair workload distribution amongst your support teams. *Early Access---
Active SkillsAdd the distinct talent or expertise possessed by each agent on your team----30 / department
Skill based Ticket AssignmentAutomatically route tickets to agents based on their proficiency and availability----


Active blueprintsCreate flowcharts with automated steps, notifications, and requirements to follow and keep processes on track.---1 / department20 / department
Transitions per blueprintTransitions define what happens between stages in a Blueprint, such as required actions by agents or approval from a manager.---20100
Common transitions per blueprintAllows agents to perform the transitions from all the states in a Blueprint.---15
Fields and actions per transitionSelectively configure the fields and actions you want to make mandatory during a transition.---1030
State level SLAs & escalationsSet service levels and escalation rules for each stage of the process.---
Dynamic transition ownerAdministrators or transition owners can change the ownership of the blueprint transition manually when needed.---
Transitions draft (Partial transitions)Save a transition as a partial draft until its finalized.---
Blueprint widget supportAdd a Zoho, third-party or custom widget to your Blueprint flow without having to navigate among various tabs.---1 / transition3 / transition
Strict mode controlsRestrict the agents from performing actions other than the ones mentioned in the transition bar as a preventive measure.----
Custom functions in blueprints Write scripts for specific actions to be performed after each stage of a process.----


Number of SLAs Service level agreements (SLAs) help you manage response and resolution time by automating actions based on ticket deadlines.Default priority based SLADefault priority based SLA410 / department20 / department
Stop the SLA clock (On hold state)Pause response time counter when progress cannot be made on a ticket.Default for on-hold status (Not customizable)
Multi-level escalationsWrite rules to establish an automatic escalation matrix for your tickets.-
Customer based SLADefine service level agreements for specific customers.---
Management in SLA Manage support contracts associated with service levels.----


Business hours Define the hours within which your teams will work on customer tickets. This can be used for time-related automations and SLAs.-111100
Holiday listCreate holiday lists based on the regions and timezones in which your agents work.-111100


Custom email templates Create your own email templates for notifications and agent responses.Default templatesDefault templates
Customize tabs Rename, hide, and reorder the tabs at the top of the Zoho Desk interface.
Customize form fields Use field layouts to customize fields and field values pertinent to each department.
Custom views Use filters to list just the tickets you need to focus on.-
Starred viewsView important tickets at the top of the left panel by staring them.-
Custom fieldsStore additional information relevant to a ticket using custom fields.-10 / module50 / module150 / module230 / module
Custom ticket status & status groupingCreate customized statuses for your tickets.-
Field dependenciesManage dependencies between two fields.--
TeamsOrganize departments into smaller sub-groups called Teams.---
Ticket templatesCreate ticket templates for different types of customer requests.---600 / department600 / department
Department specific layoutCreate field layouts specific to each department.---
Multi lingualTranslate field names and picklist values into any of the languages supported by Zoho Desk.---
Custom lookup fieldsEstablish a one-to-many relationship between data across different modules.---3 / module and layout5 / module and layout
Ticket Id customizationCustomize your ticket Ids for easy tracking and streamlining your support.---
Layout rulesDefine the behavior of a layout (form) based on the value entered in a particular field.----50 / department
Validation rulesPrevent the creation of records with incomplete or inaccurate information.----50 / department
Multi layoutShow a separate set of fields for each process or service and ensure that your customers and agents see only the relevant fields.----20 / department
Custom modulesBuild your own modules that reflects your business processes apart from already available standard Zoho Desk modules.----10
Regular expressionsRegEx validates data with pre-defined criteria and prevents incorrect data from entering your system, upholding data integrity.----


Helpdesk appearance - Night modeSwitch between light mode, night mode, or auto-mode based on your surroundings.
Display screen settingsChoose the most suitable display layout that is optimal for your screen resolution.
Display font controlSelect your preferred font style and size.
Reply editor font controlsSelect the default font type and size for your email description and reply editors.
Reply button behaviourSelect the reply actions you want the button to display by default.
Landing page settingsSelect the default home page that appears when you log in.
Reply - article auto suggestionGet article suggestions while replying to tickets.
Default send behaviourSet default send behavior for ticket as Send & Close or Send.
Multi-language supportView Zoho Desk in any of the supported languages.
Date & time format controlSelect a date & time format based on your preference or locale.


Reply assistantZia shares relevant solutions from your knowledge base directly with your customers. Supported Language: English.----
Sentiment analysisZia analyzes incoming tickets to gauge the customer's mood, so your agents know how to respond. Supported Language: English.----
Ticket auto taggingZia identifies key aspects of a ticket and tags them appropriately. Supported Language: English.----
Anomaly servicesAgents and Admins receive real-time notifications for anomalies in ticket trends.----
Zia answer botAn AI-powered reply assistant that provides relevant responses to agents and customers based on its intelligence from the existing KB articles. Supported Language: English.----
Zia field predictionsZia can analyze ticket patterns and automatically update field values such as priority, type of issue, location and much more.----20 / department
Zia powered by chatGPTZia now integrated with OpenAl's generative Al can analyze customer support requests for mood analysis, ticket summary, and reply assistance. Supported Language: English.--


Custom domain mappingConnect Zoho Desk with your website domain.-


Multiple department support trackingOrganize your service operation into departments for efficiency and clarity.---1050
Department as an add-onCreate additional departments by purchasing department add-on from our store.---- Maximum 450
Monthly -
/ department / month
Annually -

/ department / month
All-department view of ticketsSee tickets from across all your departments on a common screen.---
Department based signaturesCreate email signatures specific to each department.---
Department-Specific product handlingAssociate a different set of products with each department.---


Private knowledge base for agentsCreate a private repository of solutions for your agents to access.
Article versioningKeep track of multiple versions of your KB articles.
Public knowledge baseCreate a public repository of help articles, guides, and FAQs. 700 sections under a category can be added, including the root category. Within a root category, 699 sections can be created, with a maximum of four hierarchical levels.--
CommunityBuild and grow a community of customers, prospects, and visitors.--
ASAPEmbed customer service capabilities into your websites and mobile apps with the ASAP widget.--
Text-to-speech in ASAP mobile SDKConvert your knowledge base articles and community to speech on mobile phone.--
Multilingual knowledge basePublish Knowledge Base articles in over 40 languages.---
Community gamificationAward points to your end users based on their activities in the community.---
301 redirectionSet up 301 redirection for articles when you edit their permalinks.---
Google analytics integrationApply Google Analytics to your help center to understand customer behavior better.---
Themes gallerySelect an aesthetic theme for your customer self-service portal based on your brand identity.---
CSS customizationCustomize any given theme further using CSS.---
Custom widgets Change the appearance of your widgets based on the purpose you wish to use them for.---
Auto-translation of KB articlesTranslate help articles instantly using auto-translate tools like Google translate and Unbabel.----
Answer bot in ASAPAI-powered answer bot within ASAP, for customers to interact with.----
Live chat in ASAPAllow customers to chat with agents through ASAP.----
Multi-brand help centerCreate self-service portals for multiple brands within the same Zoho Desk account.----
HTML customizationCustomize the look and feel of your help center from scratch to represent your brand identity.----


GC flowsBuild predefined conversations using the low code Flow Builder by adding blocks and variables. Includes publish, draft, and delete options.----25 / department
Global variablesPlace holder values that can be used across GC flows under any department. E.g. support email address.----100 / portal
Session variablesInformation stored in the memory of a web browser and is available until the user closes the browser. E.g. User ID.----100 / portal
Local variablesPredefined place holder values within a particular GC flow. E.g. Vehicle engine number.----100 / flow
GC blocksUse blocks to present a message or induce an action based on the user's input. It includes response and action blocks.----500 / flow
GC widgetsMake a flow available on different websites or web pages by associating it with multiple GC Widgets.----Agent widget - 1 / department
Customer widget - 5 / department
Flow metricsAnalyze live usage patterns of a GC flow, including the number of users, chat participation, and route taken, for better flow adoption.----


Contact & account information managementRecord customer details as contacts, and group them into common accounts.
Private notes for contacts & accountsMake internal notes about customers for the team's future reference.
Dedicated owners for contacts & accountsAssign dedicated agents within your team to specific customers.
Contact & account custom fieldsCreate custom fields to store additional information about your customers.-1050150230
Merge contactsMerge contacts to avoid redundancy or duplication.-
Merge accountsMerge accounts to avoid redundancy or duplication.-
Custom views for customersCreate filters to view a list of customers you need to focus on.-
Contact & account insightsView contact and account activity and engagement in a neat dashboard.--
Deduplicate contacts & accountsEliminate duplicate customer information to reduce complications.--
Follow contacts & accountsClosely monitor contact or account-specific activity.--
Contact to product associationAssociate each customer with the products they've purchased or are using.--
Secondary contact (Cc's)Establish a secondary customer contact for every customer organization.---
Contacts to multiple accountsRelate a contact to multiple accounts to track the relationships between people and the companies they work with.---


TasksCreate follow-up tasks for your team based on ticket conversations.--
EventsLog and schedule events and invite other agents to be a part of them.---
CallsMake, receive, and log calls from your help desk.---


Manual ticket time trackingAgents have control over the ticket timer.--
Auto ticket time trackingAutomatically track the time spent on a ticket without any manual intervention.---
Activity time trackingTrack the time spent on activities such as tasks and calls.---
Billing preferencesDefine hourly billing information for your agents.---


Product based ticket trackingTrack tickets by associating them with specific products.--
Associate products to contactsAssociate each customer with the products they've purchased or are using.--
Associate products to accountsAssociate each customer organization with the products they've purchased or are using.--
Dedicated owner for productsAssign a dedicated agent for each product.--
Custom fields for productsCreate custom fields to store additional information about your products.--50150230
Custom views for productsUse filters to see a list of products you need to focus on.--


Agent dashboardTrack all agent performance parameters along with agent information and current availability.
Predefined reports Get more than 100 built-in reports that offer relevant insights across different modules.-
Ticket overview dashboardView and track your vital ticket metrics in a single dashboard.-
Ticket status dashboardView tickets according to their statuses, default and custom.-
Customer happiness dashboardTrack customer satisfaction levels over a given period of time in a single dashboard.-
Tickets stagesLearn about ticket's lifecycle stage as it progresses.--
Custom reportsCreate your own custom reports to keep track of metrics that matter to you.--50
Export reports to CSV, XLS or PDFExport reports from Zoho Desk to your computer in CSV, XLS, or PDF formats.--
Custom dashboardsCreate your own custom dashboard visualizations for reports you use the most.--10
Headquarters dashboardTrack ticket traffic and volume over a given period of time in a single dashboard.--
Response, resolution & FCR dashboardsView and track ticket response and resolution times across your team.--
Knowledge base dashboardView metrics and reports related to Knowledge Base articles.--
Community dashboardAnalyze customer interaction and behavior on your community.--
Calls reports and dashboardsView reports about all incoming and outgoing calls received and made, across geographies.---
SLA dashboardsAnalyze how well your agents maintained their SLAs.---
Telephony agent availabilityTrack how often your agents were and weren't available to your customers over the phone.---
All department analytics (Global reports and dashboards)Get reports spanning all your departments.---
Schedule reportsSchedule reports to be sent to you automatically.----100
Blueprint dashboardTrack how well your blueprints have been executed, across blueprint States and Transitions.----
ZIA dashboardView all AI-powered intelligence in a single dashboard.----


In-Product call notificationsGet notified every time you receive a call within your help desk portal.---
Call-to-Ticket conversionAfter taking a customer call, convert it into a ticket easily, with custom notes.---
Answer over-the-webTake calls from your help desk portal without the need of a physical handset.---
Answer over-the-phoneIf you prefer to answer calls via a physical handset, you can choose to do that.---
Call loggingA log of all incoming and outgoing calls is automatically created within Zoho Desk.---
Call transferTransfer your call to another agent when required.---
Call recordingRecord all your incoming or outgoing calls for future reference and training purposes.---
Call holdPut a call on hold when required.---
Call muteMute calls when required.---
Business hours configurationConfigure business hours for all incoming calls via Twilio.---
Non-business hour managementDefine a protocol for when calls come in outside of your business hours.---
Call queue handlingWhen traffic is high, manage multiple calls in your queue seamlessly.---
Outbound callsMake outbound calls to customers right from within Zoho Desk.---
Missed call managementGet notified every time you have a missed call so you can follow up.---
Custom greeting configurationGreet your customers when they get on a call to create a better customer experience.---
Call routing (Sequential & simultaneous)Route your call to another agent based on expertise or availability.---
Call waiting messageCreate a call waiting message to let customers know you'll be with them shortly.---
Caller historyKeep track of your entire caller history, to ensure no customer falls through the cracks.---
Voice mailWhen an agent is not available, allow customers to leave a message.---
Real-time agent availabilityHelp your agents be available for customers in real time.---
Call reports and dashboardsView in-depth analytics and metrics about calls received.---
Fallback numberRoute calls to backup phone number in case the regular destination number is unavailable.---
Spam call handlingDrop the call or get an alert if the call is from a contact marked as spam.---
Call summaryAdd a note to summarize the conversation.---
Multi-Level IVRSimplify customer navigation so they can reach the right agents using IVR.----


ProfilesManage permissions to modules, fields, and utilities by categorizing agents under different profiles.Default (Non-Editable)Default (Non-Editable)52550
RolesCreate roles to replicate your organization chart and assign a profile to each role accordingly.Default (Non-Editable)Default (Non-Editable)525250
Light agentsAllow internal employees to consume customer tickets, but not respond to them directly.-- Add-on / month Add-on / month50 Free
Add-on / month
Field-level access controlGrant or deny access to agents for specific fields in layouts.---
Data sharingAssign different levels of access to support data to different roles.----


G suiteCollaborate and share information from your GSuite account to Zoho Desk easily.
Zoho translateAI-powered extension that translates tickets to a language of your preference.--
Zoho AssistHelp customers actively through screen-sharing powered by Zoho Assist.1 free user1 free user1 free user1 free user1 free user
Google ChatManage tickets within Google Chat without constant navigation to the Desk interface.--
Zoho CRMBridge the gap between Sales and Support with context, using the Zoho CRM integration.--
Zoho FSMSync your field support teams with your customer support agents for better communication experience.--
BiginIntegrate with Bigin and make it easier for your sales and support teams to connect with prospects.--
Zoho AnalyticsIntegrate with Zoho Analytics and enjoy advanced reports based on your support data.--
Zoho ProjectsSubmit bugs in Zoho Projects for new Zoho Desk tickets.--
Zoho BugTrackerFind, report, and solve bug-related issues using Zoho Bug Tracker.--
Zoho Lens add-onIntegrate Zoho Lens with Zoho Desk to ensure hassle-free remote assistance experience right from the tickets.--
SMS add-onSend acknowledgment messages to your customers and notify agents on new ticket assignment via SMS.--
Zoho CliqCollaborate over chat with your team members without switching windows.--
Zoho SalesIQEnable live chat for your website to capture and nurture leads effectively.--
Zoho MeetingIntegrate with Zoho Meetings start/ schedule secured audio and video conferences with your customers from within a Zoho Desk ticket.--
Atlassian JiraBreak silos and collaborate with your engineering team effectively using Jira.--
SlackView ticket details, receive support notifications, and collaborate without leaving Slack.--
Zoho Books/InvoiceAccess your customer's billing information, and receive and create invoices from within Zoho Desk.--
Zoho InventoryGet instant and detailed access to the current account status of the customer right inside your tickets with the Zoho Inventory integration.--
Zoho SubscriptionView customer subscription information alongside their tickets and build a better conversation.--
Zoho FlowUse Zoho Flow to effortlessly integrate Zoho Desk with 800+ apps without writing code and automate complex business workflows.--Yes (Excludes flows that use features not supported in the standard plan.)
Zoho CampaignsGet campaign-related context within support tickets like campaigns sent to a contact, the mailing lists they are associated with, and more.--
SalesforceIntegrate Desk with Salesforce to bring your support and sales information together.--
ZapierUse the Zapier integration to connect Desk with other vital apps.--Yes (Excludes zaps that use features not supported in the standard plan.)
Office 365Add Office 365 users as agents, so they can access Zoho Desk via single sign-on.--
MS TeamsBring the Zoho Desk experience into MS Teams via bots and message extensions.--
Zoho PageSenseEngage your customers better with analytics for web forms, powered by Zoho PageSense.--
Google Play ReviewsManage customer reviews on the Google Play app through Zoho Desk--
YouTubeEngage with your audience on YouTube by responding to their comments easily.--
Telephony and PBXIntegrate with Twilio, Amazon Connect, Zoho PhoneBridge, and 85 others.---


Public extensionsBuild, host, and sell custom extensions on the Zoho Desk marketplace.--Yes (Excludes extensions that use features not supported in the standard plan.)
Extension starter packOptimise current operations with app recommendations from Zoho Desk marketplace, third-party integration or custom built extension.--
Private extensionsBuild custom extensions for your business, and host them privately.---
Custom actions via extensionsCreate custom actions when an extension is installed. These actions are displayed in workflow actions.---


Radar app for Zoho DeskVital stats curated in real-time for managers and agents.
Zoho Desk appCollaborate from anywhere effortlessly, with Zoho Desk on mobile.


IP range restriction (active directory)Whitelist the IP addresses you use to access Zoho's services and deny access attempts from networks not added to the whitelist.
CSP policy headerPrevent client-side script execution of malicious content on the web page.
SSL certificateKeep user data secure, verify ownership of the website and prevent attackers from creating a fake version of the site.-
Attachment controlsPrevent malware by controlling which file type can be used as an attachment. -
Single sign-on using SAML in helpcenterConfigure SAML-based single sign-on for end users so they can access your Help Center without being prompted to enter separate login credentials.--
User authentication (JWT) in ASAPVerify the authenticity of a user of the main app and provide them with permission to use ASAP with the same credentials.--
Federated loginAccess helpcenter through a single authentication ticket/token from different identity providers (IPs) without having to create separate accounts.--
DKIM/DMARCProvide credibility to your domain and tell the receiving server that you are trustworthy to avoid ending up in spam.---
ePHI field labelingMark a field related to medical records as ePHI (Electronically Protected Health Information) transmitted by HIPAA covered entities.---
Field encryptionEnsure that sensitive data within your fields are encrypted and saved.----
System field encryptionSecure sensitive customer information for data privacy and safety.----


Anonymization of agent and customerAnonymize data subjects who reside in the European Union as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Data center locationChoose the nearest data center country location while signing up.
DSR - Data Subject RequestsProcess your client's inquiries and serve them their required personal information that has been collected, stored, and used.-
Read recipientsSee whether email recipients have read your reply and take necessary actions for follow-ups.---


Highlight critical informationDisplay critical information like ticket ID, ticket owner, contact details, etc. in striking color.
Underline linksIncrease the visibility of links with an underline.
Emphasis focus areaIndicate the extent and clickablity of focus area by adding a border.
Animation controlsOptimize the animations and transitions across your helpdesk.
Reading maskEliminate distractions by focusing the text you're reading and masking the rest.
Zoom level adjusterAdjust the zoom level until the page is easy to view.
Screen readerRender the content (text, buttons, images, and links) on your screen into speech or braille.
Keyboard focus navigationNavigate between screens, switch tabs, and perform tasks using only keyboard keys.
Custom scrollbarReplace native scrollbar with a compact scrollbar for seamless navigation while indicating the scroll position.
Focus ringHighlights the present interactive element on your screen.
Custom cursorSelect a mouse pointer of your desired color and size based on your preferences or actions instead of a default arrow-based cursor.
Page navigationNavigate to the section you choose to read using a keyboard instead of sequentially scrolling through the entire document.


APIIntegrate with other Zoho apps and third-party tools by adhering to RESTful principles.15,000 calls / day / org.25,000 calls / day / org.200,000 calls / day / org500,000 calls / day / org.1,000,000 calls / day / org.
API dashboardMonitor and optimize API usage metrics based on functionalities specific to editions.-
API usage matrixAccess detailed reports on how API is consumed by your Desk-
API usage alertsGet notified when you are close to exceeding your pre-defined API usage threshold.-
Mobile SDKBuild custom Zoho Desk-based mobile apps for the customer service team, and support apps for your customers.---
WebhookSend automated messages or information to third-party apps every time an event occurs in Zoho Desk.---5 Active10 Active
Deluge (Custom function)----


Export dataExport your data in CSV format from individual Zoho Desk modules.1000 / batch1000 / batch
Import historyKeep track of all the times you've imported data into your help desk.Past 60 daysPast 60 daysPast 60 daysPast 60 daysPast 60 days
Import dataImport accounts, contacts, tickets, and other important data into your Zoho Desk portal.-1000 / batch10,000 / batch20,000 / batch30,000 / batch
Data backupSchedule data backups or instantly download data for protection against any data loss--1 full backup / month1 full backup / month1 full backup / month
SandboxTry and test new processes in a simulated setup without hindering ongoing customer interactions.----
Audit logKeep a track record of automation and custom modules' activities to prevent any breaches or mishaps.----


Migration from other help deskMake the switch from Zendesk or Freshdesk with extensive support from our team.-


Email supportReach Zoho's customer support teams via email.
Phone supportReach Zoho's customer support teams via phone.-
Chat supportReach Zoho's customer support teams via live chat.---

Ready to take your customer service to the next level?

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