About Ingedico

Process Optimization, Industrial Engineering, Change Management

What tools were you using to manage your work before Zoho?

Excel- for task planning, Dropbox- for sharing docs, and email for assigning tasks and updates.

How has Zoho impacted your business? What are the most used features?

Zoho Projects helps us handle multiple projects in one single place and updates us regarding the project status. Moreover, coordinating different teams and sharing documents has never been easier. Planning projects in the Gantt chart, assigning tasks through the workload report, and getting quick project updates on the feed are some of our favorite features. Everything is organized, stored and reported in one place. We are able to seamlessly coordinate tasks and time schedules ever since Zoho, and this has allowed our company to manage more complicated, higher paying projects.

Zoho Projects is very intuitive and easy to use. Since we almost always work at a client's location, we hardly see each other. Projects is our common place. It´s where we all meet. It's our "virtual office".

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