All Demo Checkout with addon(s)

Checkout with addon(s)

Reproduce the checkout process by selecting a plan and choosing associated addon(s).

This is a demo
ZYLKER Fitness
  • <Features>
  • <Pricing>
  • <Partners>
  • <Resources>

Zylker Fitness has 3 training plans

Subscribe to one, select the additional facilities you need, and forget about fitness issues.


$50 / mo
5 hrs per day
5 days per week
Energy drinks


$100 / mo
10 hrs per day
6 days per week
Energy drinks


$150 / mo
15 hrs per day
7 days per week
Energy drinks
Like in this demo page you can do the following with your Zoho Subscriptions account:
Add pricing plans with their features.
Provide a list of the addons available, once the potential customer selects a plan.
Redirect to the signup form after they select the addon(s).
Display the order summary comprising the plan and the addon.
Provide a message for successful subscriptions and throw errors for payment or authorization failure.

This payment page is similar to the simple checkout process with the added option of choosing the addon(s). Once you create the product and add the plans, you can create the addon(s) and choose the plan they should be associated to.

To display the addon(s) after the plan is chosen, all you have to do is add the addon parameters along with the plan URL. Accordingly, the addon(s) will be displayed once the plan is selected. Learn more

Related demo: Simple Checkout Customizable Checkout Tax Integrated Checkout Future Dated Checkout
Message from CEO

Zoho is a software company that ships 45+ products globally. Operating on a subscription pricing model for more than 20 years has given us the opportunity to face and overcome the practical pain points of subscription businesses. Let us solve your subscription billing challenges, together.

Sridhar Vembu

CEO, Zoho Corporation

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