Does Zoho Books have Audit Trail? How do I view the changes that were made to a transaction?
Prerequisite: You need to be an Admin in the organisation to view the Audit Trail.
Zoho Books lets you view Audit Trail, through which you can find out how, when and who modified a transaction. To view the Audit Trail:
Go to the Reports module from the left sidebar.
Click Activity under the Report Category.
Now, click Activity Logs & Audit Trail report. ##### ON THIS PAGE, you can view the activities taken place during a certain period.
Click View Audit Trail on the right side of the activity that you would like to check.
This will fetch the current version of the transaction along with a list of all the previous versions on the right.
Note: A new version of a transaction is created when changes are made to the transaction.
To find out what has changed between two versions of a transaction, you can choose to compare them. This can be done with ease:
- Click Compare in the top right corner.
- Select any two versions of the transaction that you’d like to compare.
- Click Compare.
Any field that was modified, added or deleted will be highlighted in yellow, green and red respectively.