Brand your invoices with free templates from Zoho Invoice.
Let your invoices leave a lasting impression on your customers. Take a look at how free invoice templates from Zoho Invoice help you capture all of the ingredients of a perfect invoice
Contact information
Include your contact details such as address, phone number, and email on your invoices. This makes it easy for your customers to get in touch with you if the need arises.
Amount due and due date
Provide the exact amount due on the invoice, preferably in both numbers and words. Adding the specific due date rather than vague terms like 'Net 15' will make it easier for your clients to pay you on time.
Product description
Your clients shouldn't have to spend time decoding vague invoice items. Give them a clear breakdown of the goods and services you are charging them for.
Additional notes
Add a friendly note to your customer or use the space to promote any product or service to ensure future deals. Make sure to include a please or thank you in the invoice as people are most likely to a respond to a polite request.
Payment details
Give your customer all of the information they need to make a payment. Show which payment methods you accept, and any account or reference numbers that the customer will need to provide, right on your invoice.
Terms and conditions
Make sure your invoices include any policies your client needs to know about. This is also a great way to remind the client of any terms and conditions that were discussed in the initial contract.