
Work Locations

Work location is the place from where your employees work from.

With Zoho Payroll, you can set up multiple work locations which will enable the system to correctly calculate employer and/or employee contribution towards state taxes.


Adding a Work Location

Adding Work Location

In order to add a work location, please perform the following steps:

  • Click the Settings option from the sidebar.
  • Under the work location section, click +New work location.
  • Enter the work location name, address, city, state and ZIP code.
  • Once you’re done, hit the Save button.

Once you’ve saved a work location, you can then assign it to your employees while creating their profiles.

Editing and Deleting work locations

Editing and Deleting work location

In some cases, you may want to change the name of your work location or address.

  • In order to edit a work location, please perform the following steps:

    • Click the Settings option from the sidebar.
    • Under the work location section, hover over the work location which you want to edit and click the Edit button.
    • Make the desired changes and hit the Save button.
  • If you want to delete a work location, please perform the following steps:

    • Click the work locations option from the sidebar.
    • Hover over the work location which you want to edit and click the delete icon.

Note: You can only delete a work location if it hasn’t been assigned to any of your employees. Also, you cannot delete the Primary work location.

Understanding Work Locations

Regardless of whether your employees work from a company address or not, each location should be saved in Zoho Payroll in order for the employee to be subject to the proper taxes.

For instance, if an employee works from home, this is considered as a unique work location and must be saved.

In most cases, employees are taxed based on where they work out of and not based on where they live.

The following three scenarios will help you better understand work locations and the associated Tax implications.

Scenario 1

Zylker Inc. is registered in California and has three offices in the state. One in Fresno, Danville, and Blythe. You need to add three work locations corresponding to the offices located at Fresno, Danville and Blythe.

Scenario 2

Pat lives in Oakland. He is a web developer who works for Zylker from home. In this case, his home address in Oakland should be saved as a separate work location in Zoho Payroll. Since Pat works out of a location in California, he would be subject to Californian State Taxes.

Scenario 3

Christie is a designer who also works for Zylker at their Blythe office. She lives 40 minutes away in a small town called Quartzsite which is situated in Arizona. Now, even though Christie is a resident of Arizona, she works in the State of California. And thus, she is subject to Californian State Taxes.

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