How can I synchronize Google Apps contacts?

The Contacts Synchronization feature helps you to configure one-way or two-way sync schedules that will automatically sync contact details. Also, you can specify the list to which the contacts should be transferred and map fields as required.



To configure synchronization settings:
  1. Log in to Google Apps.
  2. In the Google Apps Dashboard, select the Google service.
  3. Click Zoho Recruit from Google's universal navigation.
  4. In Zoho Recruit, click Setup > Apps & Add-ons > Google Apps > Contacts.
  5. Click the Google Contacts Sync link.
    Contacts Synchronization page is displayed. 
  6. Under the Sync Contact section, select the Google Contact list and the Recruit Contact list from the drop-down lists.
  7. Under the Sync Options, select any of the following options:
  8. Select one of the following option if the same contact details are modified both in Zoho Recruit and Google:
  9. Select the synchronization Frequency from the drop-down list.
  10. Under the Field Mapping section, map the Google Apps fields with the Recruit fields.

    Note: Click the Map More Fields link to add more fields and map them.
  11. Click Update.
    Your google contacts are now synced with the Recruit contacts.
  • Please note that if you delete the sync configurations and again synchronize the contacts, then duplicate records will be created based on the email address that is mapped.
  • The synchronization of contacts from Zoho Recruit to Google and vice versa will take a while to complete based on the number of contacts. We request you to wait for a few minutes and then check if the contacts have been synchronized.
  • Check the Last Sync Time in the Contacts Synchronization page to see if the sync was performed.
  • Only contacts of the selected Google Group and the selected Zoho Recruit List View will be synchronized. The contacts from Recruit will be added in the specified Google Group.
  • Based on the roles and access privileges, the contacts will be synchronized.
  • First time you can synchronize maximum 10,000 contacts. For the consecutive syncs, maximum 500 contacts will be synchronized.
  • The criteria to search duplicate records are based on the Email field value (primary email field in contacts) in Zoho Recruit and Email (Work) field value in Google Contacts.