How can I sync my Zoho Recruit and Outlook contacts, tasks and events?

The two way synchronize option pushes Contacts, Tasks, Events from MS Outlook to Zoho Recruit. It helps to keep your data updated in both Zoho Recruit and MS Outlook and you can avoid duplication of data. Data synchronization can be done either manually or automatically.

Contact Synchronization - Field Mapping

MS OutlookZoho RecruitField Length in Zoho Recruit
First NameFirst Name40
Last NameLast Name80
Email 1Email Address 
Job TitleTitle100
Company NameAccount Name200
Business Telephone NumberPhone50
Home Telephone NumberHome Phone30
Other Telephone NumberOther Phone30
Business Fax NumberFax30
Mobile Telephone NumberMobile30
Assistant NameAssistant50
Assistant Telephone NumberAsst Phone30
Manager NameReport To50
Business Address StreetMailing Street250
Business Address CityMailing City30
Business Address StateMailing State30
Business Address Postal CodeMailing zip30
Business Address CountryMailing Country30
Other Address StreetOther Street250
Other Address CityOther city30
21. Other Address StateOther state30
Other Address Postal CodeOther zip30
Other Address CountryOther Country30
Note: Duplicate check for Contacts is primarily based on the Email ID of the contacts. In the absence of an email address, the duplicates are identified on the basis of the First Name and the Last Name.

Tasks Synchronization - Field Mapping

MS OutlookZoho RecruitLength in Zoho Recruit
Due dateDue Date-
Start date--
Note: Duplicate check for Tasks is based on the Subject and End Date.

Calendar Synchronization - Field Mapping

MS OutlookZoho RecruitLength in Zoho Recruit
Start TimeStart Date and Time-
End TimeEnd Date and Time-
Note: Duplicate check for Events is based on the SubjectStart Date and Time and End Date and Time as well as the Email ID of the attendees/participants.

Synchronization of Event Participants

When you synchronize events from Microsoft Outlook to Zoho Recruit, the event attendees from Outlook are synchronized as event participants in Zoho Recruit automatically. The participants thus synchronized are associated to the event as contacts or Zoho Recruit users, as the case may be. If the participants are not any of these, then just the email address of the attendee is displayed in the Participants section.

Similarly, when you synchronize events from Zoho Recruit to Microsoft Outlook, the event participants are included as event attendees in Outlook automatically upon synchronization.

In case there are duplicates in the email addresses synchronized from Microsoft Outlook to Zoho Recruit, the issue is addressed based on the following order of priority:

  • Contacts
  • Zoho Recruit user

If the Email ID of an attendee exists in Zoho Recruit as a contact, then Zoho Recruit associates the contact to the event as a participant.

If two contacts in Zoho Recruit are found to have the same email address as that of an attendee, the contact that was created first in Zoho Recruit is associated to the event as a participant.

  • Event invitation emails are not automatically sent to participants in Zoho Recruit when an event is created upon synchronization from Microsoft Outlook. This is because the decision regarding invitation emails would already have been taken at the time of event creation in Microsoft Outlook. Therefore the user is not prompted to send an invitation email for events that are created as a result of synchronization in Zoho Recruit. The same applies to events synchronized from Zoho Recruit to Microsoft Outlook as well.
  • If required, invitation emails can be sent to event participants by manually editing an event and sending the mail, like it is done for any regular event in both Zoho Recruit and Microsoft Outlook.


To enable automatic synchronization:

  1. In Microsoft Outlook, click Zoho Recruit > Settings.
  2. In Settings dialog box, click Contacts/Tasks/Calendars tab.
  3. Select the Automatically sync the changes made in Outlook contacts/tasks/calendar to Zoho Recruit checkbox.
  4. Click Save.
    The changes made to the records before you enable the option to automatically synchronize, needs to be manually synchronized.

To manually synchronize contacts, tasks and calendar events:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit from within Microsoft Outlook.
  2. From the Zoho Recruit Plug-in, click Sync Contact/Task/Calendar.
    The synchronization will automatically start. Based on the Synchronize Settings, the records will be updated.
  • You can click the View Details link to get the detailed list of changes.
  • The Contacts/Tasks/Calendar Synchronization details are displayed in three categories - To AddTo Update and To Delete. 
  • A user's ability to edit records synced with Outlook depends on their profile permission and data sharing rules.
  • In the case of restricted profile permission, a user will receive a Permission Denied warning when he/she attempts to modify the record.
  • In case a user attempts to modify a record shared to him/her on the basis of data sharing rules, the record changes will be reflected in Zoho Recruit based on the Access Type set in the data sharing rule. This will be the case even if the user has the required profile permission to access the record. For example, if the Access Type of a record is set to Read Only, the user cannot make record changes effective even if he/she has profile the required permissions to edit the record.

Categorize Records as Zoho

In Microsoft Outlook, the contacts, tasks and calendar event can be grouped into categories. Assigning records to categories helps you to sort and then view the records by category. With the Zoho Recruit Plug-in, you get an additional category namely, Zoho. You can make use of this category while synchronizing records to Zoho Recruit.

To mark records under Zoho Category:

  1. Select the ContactsTasks, or Calendar events.
    Note that the records should be selected from the corresponding folder that you had specified under Folder Settings
  2. Click Home > Categorize.
  3. Select the Zoho checkbox from the list of categories.
    The record will be marked under Zoho category. 
    Similarly, you can remove the category by clearing the checkbox.