How can I create workflow tasks?

Workflow Tasks are assigned to the users when the associated workflow rules are triggered. 

To create a workflow task:

  1. Click Setup Automation Workflow Tasks.
  2. In the Workflow Tasks page, click Create Task.
  3. In the New Task page, do the following:
    • Select the Module from the drop-down list.
    • Enter a Subject for the task.
    • Specify the Due Date to complete the task.
    • Select the Status of the task from the drop-down list.
    • Select the task Priority from the drop-down list.
    • Select the user from the Assigned To lookup list to assign the task.
    • Select the Notify Assignee check box to notify the task owner via email about the task.
    • Select the Remind Assignee check box to send reminder to the task owner. 
      1. Alert through Email - A reminder email will be sent to the task owner at the specified time.
      2. Alert through Pop-up - A pop-up reminder will be initiated to the task owner at the specified time.
    • Enter the task Description.
  4. Click Save. A new workflow task is created, which can be associated to workflow rules.
  • Workflow tasks cannot be created for records that does not support tasks in Zoho Recruit, such as Forecasts.
  • Workflow tasks cannot be associated to a workflow rule if the Execution Criteria selected for a rule is 'Delete'.
  • If the Assigned To field is not specified, the system will automatically assign the Task to the record's owner.
  • If you select a workflow task while importing records (such as candidates, clients, contacts), Notify Assignee option (though selected for the particular workflow task) will not be applicable. See Also Import Data.