How can I create email template folders?

The email templates created can be stored under particular folders for easy categorization.

To create SMS template folders:
  1. Click Setup >Templates >Email Templates. Email Templates page is displayed.
  2. Click New Template Folder. Create Email Template Folder page is displayed.
  3. Enter Folder Name in the respective text box.
  4. Specify additional information about the folder in the Description text box.
  5. Under Accessibility Details select one of the following options:
    1. All Users are allowed to view this Email Template Folder: To enable the folder access for all the users.
    2. Show this Email Template Folder only to me: To enable the folder access only to you.
    3. Allow the following users to view this Email Template Folder: Select the users or user roles that can access the folder.
  6. Click Save. The new template folder is displayed in the Email Templates page.
    Note: Folder Name field is mandatory.
  • In Zoho Recruit FREE edition, you can create upto 5 Email templates.
  • In the Standard Edtion you can create unlimited number of Email Templates.
  • You can create a template with 32000 characters.
  • You can give a link to your video in your email template. You cannot embed the video in the template itself.
  • Email Templates are record-specific. It is created for a specific record type.
  • For example, you can create a template for candidates or contacts. When you send emails to candidates, only the templates created for candidate records will be available.