How can I request a data backup?

You can schedule a weekly, biweekly or monthly data backup. One data backup every month is free, but you will be charged $10 for any additional data backup requests.

Note: Only Admin has access to this feature.

To request a data backup:

  1. Sign in to your Zoho Recruit account with the Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Setup > Data Administration > Data Backup.
  3. In the Data Backup page, select the Backup Starts on date.
  4. Select an option from the Repeats drop-down list:
    • None: There will be no subsequent backups scheduled.
    • Weekly: Specify the details to schedule a weekly backup.
    • Every 2 Weeks: Specify the details to schedule data backup every 2 weeks.
    • Monthly: Specify the details to schedule a monthly backup.
  5. Click Submit.
  6. In the Credit Card information page, do the following:
    • Enter the Street Address and the Zip/Postal Code in the respective boxes.
    • Select the Country from the list.
    • Enter the State and the Phone number in the respective lists.
    • Select the Card Type from the list. ( Visa, for example)
    • Enter the Card number and the Card verification number (CVV) in the respective boxes.
    • Select the date, month, and year from the Card expires on lists to specify the card expiration details.
    • Select the check box to agree to the terms of service, privacy policy, and anti-spam policy.
    • Click Update.
      Note, that the 'Update' button will be enabled only after you select the check box. 
      Your request for manual data backup will be processed and a notification email with the download link will be sent to your email ID.
  • On successful payment, the data backup will take approximately an hour to one day. The data will be uploaded to the Secured Zoho Recruit - File Server and a notification email with the download link will be sent to the Recruit Administrator.
  • The administrator needs to click on the link in the email to download the files. The user must be signed in to the Zoho Recruit account in order to download the data from the link in the email.
  • It is recommended to use the link and download the files within 48 hours.