How can I convert a candidate to contact and vice versa?

In Zoho Recruit, you have the option to convert a candidate to a client contact and vice versa.

To convert a candidate to contact and vice versa:

  1. Click the Candidate/Contact tab.
  2. In the Candidate/Contact Home page, click the candidate/contact to be converted.
  3. In the Candidate/Contact Details page, click Convert.
    Convert Candidate/Contact page is displayed.
  4. Under the Owner of the Records section, click the look up icon if you want to search and change the owner of the candidate/contact.
  5. From the right panel, under the Quick Links section, click the Candidate Conversion Mapping link if you want to map the fields in the Candidate field with that of the Contact field.
  6. Click Convert.


When the Email Address Duplication Check is enabled you will not be able to convert a candidate/contact, if the following conditions are true:

  • Candidate is assigned to a User A and User B tries to convert it.
  • User B is a subordinate to User A in the organization's hierarchy.
  • The record has duplicates.