How can I view reports?

To access standard reports in the Reports tab, click the specific report.

To view the report:

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. In the Reports Home page, click the required reports group.
  3. From the list of reports that are displayed, click the required report's link.
  4. Click the Edit link to modify the Report Name, Folder details and Description of a report.
  5. Click the Customize link next to the report to customize the report.
  6. In the Reports page, you can do the following:
    • Export: Use this option to export and save the report in Excel, PDF, or CSV format in your local drive.
    • Save As: Use this option to save the report with a new name. This option is useful when you filter a specific set of data and save it for future reference.
    • Customize: This feature is used to customize the report with regards to the report types, columns, grouping, filter criteria in the report, etc.
    • Reload: Use this option to update or refresh the contents of the page.
    • Hide Details / Show Details: Click Hide Details to hide the details of the report and click Show Details to see the hidden details of the report.
    • Create Chart: This feature enables you to create charts, (such as Bar diagrams, Pie charts, Line charts, Funnel charts) based on the selected report details.
  7. Do one of the following, and then click Apply Filter to view reports based on the filter options specified: 
    • Select Last Created Time or Last Modified Time from the Column list.
    • Select the option from the adjacent list. 
      On selecting this option, the system will automatically display the Start and End date in the respective boxes.
    • Enter the Start Date and the End Date in mm/dd/yyyy format, or select the date from the calendar displayed.


  • A maximum of 2000 records will be listed in a page. You can use the navigate options to view others pages. 
  • You will be able to export up to 2000 records per page, in each export.