How can I check the status of the published job openings in CareerBuilder's response mail?

Job Response Lines

There will be one job response line for each job provided in the file which reports the completion status for each job processed. Each of the fields of the job response line are separated by the pipe (|) key. A job response line takes the form of the following:

JR|JER03M66FK63VQ9SBMN|JCSTD0|TestJob2|Add|8/18/2005 11:59:59 PM|1|

  • The first field will always contain “JR” to indicate that it is a job response line.
  • The second field is CareerBuilder’s job DID which uniquely identifies the particular job from all other jobs in the system. Think of it as a serial number for the job.
  • The third field is the ID of the product used to post the job on CareerBuilder. The two most common values for this field are “JCSTD0” for Standard product and “JCPRI0” for Priority product.
  • The fourth field is the Job ID you used when posting the job.
  • The fifth field indicates the actual action that was taken on the job. Even though the post contained the action of “ADD,” the actual action taken was “CHANGE” because at this time, it was simply updating an already active job.
  • The sixth field is the date and time when the job is due to automatically expire from the CareerBuilder site.
  • The seventh field is a numeric response to indicate the status of the command. ‘0’ indicates a failure to process the job. “1” indicates the job was successfully processed.
  • The eighth field will either be blank if the job successfully posted, or else it will contain a string containing the reason for the failure.

Process Totals
The process totals lines contain the number of jobs that match the associated type provided in the line. Each of the fields of a process totals line are separated by the pipe (|) key. A process totals lines is in the following format:


  • The first field will always contain “JT” to indicate that it is a process totals line.
  • The second field indicates the associated totals value provided by the line. These totals are based on the actual action, not the requested action. “JTOTAL” is the total number of jobs found in the file. “JADD” is the number of new jobs added to your account. “JCHANGE” is the total number of current jobs which were updated. “JDELETE” is the total number of jobs which were taken down. “JERROR” is the total number of jobs which had an error during its attempt to process.