How can I enable job board publishing?

You need to enable job boards and websites to post job openings from Zoho Recruit. Only when they are enabled, the publish option will be available under the Job openings module.


Supported Job Boards: 

  • Indeed Organic (only for direct employers / corporate recruiting)
  • Indeed Sponsored Job listing
  • Juju (only US jobs)
  • Glassdoor
  • CareerBuilder (Please note that to post jobs to CareerBuiler, you need to have a paid account with them)
  • Monster (Please note that to post jobs to Monster, you need to have a paid account with them)
  • Dice (Please note that to post jobs to Dice, you need to have a paid account with them)
  • Glassdoor
  • ZipRecruiter
  • CareerOne (Please note that to post jobs to CareerOne, you need to have a paid account with them)
  • Naukri (Please note that to post jobs to Naukri, you need to have a paid account with them)
  • CareerJet
  • Broadbean
  • Seek
  • CV-Library

To enable job boards:

  1. Click Setup > Job Boards Integration > Job Boards List.
    The supported job boards will be listed here.
  2. Click the button to turn ON and enable the job board or website.
  • If you enable CareerBuilder or LinkedIn, a settings detail pop-up window will be displayed asking for your job board account credentials. Enter the credentials and click Save.
  • Please contact the CareerBuilder Support to get your paid account credentials. Also, share the contact details with the Zoho Recruit support team, so that we can co-ordinate with CareerBuilder to ensure that the coding is accurate. 
  • You can re-map the job board fields mapped by default, with the appropriate Zoho Recruit fields. To learn more about mapping click here.