How can I forward formatted/branded resume to clients?

Zoho Recruit enables you to forward formatted resume directly to your clients, without the hassle of going through other emailing options.

To forward formatted/branded resume to client:

  1. Log in to your Zoho Recruit account.
  2. Go to Candidates tab.
  3. Click the candidate's name.
  4. In the Candidate details page, click Submit to client located on the right panel.
    In the Send Mail window, do the following:
    1. In the Choose the client to send field, select the client to whom the formatted resume needs to be sent.
    2. In the Email Template field, select the formatted resume template. 
    3. Enter other necessary details and click Send.

To forward formatted/branded resume to client, in bulk:

  1. Log in to your Zoho Recruit account.
  2. Go to Candidates tab.
  3. Select the candidates and click Submit to client.
    In Submit to client page, do the following:
    1. In the Client Name field, select the client to whom the formatted resume needs to be sent.
    2. In the Choose Email Template field, select the formatted resume template. 
    3. If you want to Send A Separate Email To The Client For Each Candidate Selected, then select the checkbox.
    4. Click Send.

Note: This feature is available only in the paid edition.

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