How to delete an auth token?

Auth token or authentication token is a security measure used to authorize users the access to a particular service. 

When you have exceeded the limit of 10 auth tokens, you can delete auth tokens generated for your account from My Zoho Account page.

To delete an auth token:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit.
  2. Click My Account.
  3. In My Zoho Account page, click Active Authtokens.
  4. Select the authtokens you want to delete and click Remove Selected.
    If you want to delete a single auth token, hover the cursor over the auth token, the delete icon will be displayed. Click the delete icon to remove the authtoken.


  • Removing an authtoken will delete the token permanently.
  • You can regenerate authtoken.
  • If you regenerate an authtoken, you will have to re-login to continue with the process.


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