How does Simple Search work? 

In Zoho Recruit, Simple Search option supports the following:


Wildcard search

Sometimes you don't know exactly what you are looking for. That is when the Wildcard search comes in handy to find your word. It substitutes a character as a fill-in for any word or letter in a search phrase.

Zoho Recruit supports the following wildcards:

  • Question mark "?"

This is used to represent a single alphanumeric character in a search phrase. For example, searching for the term "Rol?nda" will give results which contain words such as Rolenda and Rolanda.

Note: Avoid using the question mark as the first character in a search phrase.

  • Asterisk "*"

This is used to search more alphanumeric characters. For example, searching for the term "Mar*" will give results which contain words such as Martha, Mary, MariaMarie, Martina and Margaret.

Note: Avoid using the asterisk as the first character in a search phrase.


Search using boolean operators

Zoho Recruit supports the following boolean operators:
  • 'AND' is used to search the records that contain all the keywords mentioned in the search box. For example, searching for Rafael AND will give results that contain both words.
  • 'OR' is used to search the records that contain at least one of the keywords you have specified in the search box. For example, searching for OR will give results that contain either or both words.
  • 'NOT' is used to search the records that do not contain the keyword following it. For example, searching for Agnus NOT Mary will display records that contain Agnus, but not Mary.
  • Avoid using 'NOT' operator as the first word in a search phrase.
  • AND, OR and NOT should be typed in upper-case.

Search for an exact phrase

Quotation marks ("") will help you to find the records that contain the exact phrase within the quotes. For example, searching for "Margaret resume" will give results that contain the phrase Margaret resume.

Combination search

Parenthesis () will help you to search records without the doubtfulness in complex search phrases. For example, searching for (Mary OR Rafael) AND New will display records that contain the terms:
  • Mary and New
  • Rafael and New
  • Mary, Rafael and New