How can I add multiple currencies?

After activating the feature by adding the home currency, the administrator can add other currencies that company uses for business. Other users will then be able to select these currencies to use them as a record's currency while creating leads, contacts, potentials etc.

NoteThe Currency field will be available in the records only after the multi-currency is activated.

To add multiple currencies:

  1. Click Setup Organization Settings Currencies Add Currency.
  2. In the Add Currency pop-up box, do the following:
    1. Select a Currency from the drop-down list that will be set as the home currency.
      Based on the currency that you select, the currency Format will be populated.
    2. Click the Customize link to change the currency format.
    3. Select the SymbolThousand Separator, Decimal Places and Decimal Separator.
    4. Enter the Exchange Rate for the currency that you are adding.
  3. Click Save.