How can I view and export the audit log?

The Audit Log is a chronological sequence of entries, each resulting from the actions performed by the users in Zoho Recruit. It displays the recently performed activities of the users. They can be helpful to determine the happenings before and after an event and also to identify records associated with certain events.

Note: Only users with the Administrator profile can access this feature.

To view audit log:

  1. Click Setup > Data Administration > Audit Log.

  2. In the Audit Log page, select a User from the drop-down list.

    You can now view the actions performed on the record(s) by the selected User.

To export audit log entries:

  1. Click Setup > Data Administration > Audit Log.

  2. In the Audit Log page, click Export Audit Log.

    The entries will be exported in a .csv format.


  • Users can only view their own and their sub-ordinates Audit Logs.
  • Administrators can view the logs of sub ordinates, and the Recruiter Administrator has the privilege to view logs of all users.
  • The Audit Log displays the activities performed within the last 30 days.