How are territories assigned?

Territories can be assigned in two ways:


  • Territories are automatically assigned to clients, contacts and job openings when they are created or modified.
  • When a record meets the criteria of a territory, only then is it validated for its sub territories.
  • If a record does not meet the criteria, it will be validated for the next territory of the same level in the hierarchy.
  • When a record satisfies the criteria of a territory, it will be assigned to that territory and Zoho Recruit will further move on to check if the record meets the criteria of the other territories and sub territories in the hierarchy.


  • Territory managers can manually assign records to their territories and sub territories.
  • Users with Administrator profile can also manually assign territories to records.
  • Territories that are manually added can only be removed manually. Automatically assigned territories cannot be removed manually.

Territory Assignment for Clients

ScenariosWhat will happen?
Record meets the criteria of a single territory.The record will be assigned to the territory.
Record meets the criteria of multiple territories.The record is assigned to all those territories.
Record does not meet the criteria of a parent territory but meets the criteria of its sub territory.Neither the parent territory nor the sub territory will be assigned to the record.
Record does not satisfy the criteria of any territory.No territory will be assigned to the record.

A maximum of ten territories can be assigned to a client. Here are some use cases and the consequence:

Territory Assignment for Contacts

Here are some scenarios:

ScenariosWhat will happen?
A client is not associated to the contact.Territory will not be assigned to the contact.
The client associated to the contact does not have a territory.Territory will not be assigned to the contact.
The client associated to the contact has a single territory.The client's territory will be assigned to the contact.
The client associated to the contact has multiple territories.

Territories will be assigned based on the following criteria for:

    1. The contact owner is part of any one territory of the client.
    2. The contact owner is the territory manager of any one territory of the client.
    3. The contact creator is part of any one territory of the client.
    4. The contact creator is the territory manager of any one territory of the client.
  • A maximum of ten territories can be assigned to a contact of which only one territory can be automatically assigned based on the client associated to the contact. For more details, refer to the Assignment of Clients table.
  • With the above use cases, if the system does not determine a single territory, then territory will not be assigned to the contact.

Territory Assignment for Job Openings

Territories are assigned to job openings based on Job Opening Rules. See Also Enable Job Opening Rule

For various territories and sub territories you may have created job opening rules. Two factors are taken into consideration in determining the job opening rule that will be applied to a job opening record. They are:

Contact associated to the Job Opening - If the contact associated to the job opening has a territory assigned to it, Recruit will check for Job Opening Rules in that territory. If there are sub territories,

  • The system will check the first level territories for Job Opening Rule. If none exists, it will skip to the second level and check. The system will not check further if no Job Opening Rule is available in the second level as well. 
  • When the Job Opening Rules exists in the first level territory in the hierarchy, but the record does not satisfy the criteria, then the system will not check the second level.

Clients associated to the Job Opening - If the contact associated to the job opening does not have a territory assigned to it, Recruit will check for the Client associated to the job opening and check the client's territory for Job Opening Rules. If there are sub territories,

This method will also be followed when:

  • A job opening does not satisfy the criteria of the territories with Job Opening Rules.
  • With the previous method, if more than one territory matches the job opening.
  • A job opening  does not meet the criteria in the Job Opening Rule of the first level of hierarchy.
  • The first as well as the second level of territory in the hierarchy does not have a job opening rule.

Also, territories will be reassigned to job openings, if the associated client or contact is modified. Here are some business scenarios:

Scenarios - ContactsWhat will happen?
client or contact is not associated to the job opening.Territory will not be assigned to the job opening.
The contact associated to the job opening has a single territory.The contact's territory will be assigned to the job opening.
The contact associated to the job opening has multiple territories.

Territories will be assigned based on the following criteria for:

    1. The account manager is part of any one territory of the contact.
    2. The account manager is the territory manager of any one territory of the contact.
    3. The job opening creator is part of any one territory of the contact.
    4. The job opening creator is the territory manager of any one territory of the contact.
Scenarios - ClientsWhat will happen?
The client associated to the job opening has a single territory.The client's territory will be assigned to the job opening.
The client associated to the job opening has multiple territories.

Territories will be assigned based on the following criteria for:

    1. The account manager is part of any one territory of the client.
    2. The account manager is the territory manager of any one territory of the client.
    3. The job opening creator is part of any one territory of the client.
    4. The job opening creator is the territory manager of any one territory of the client.


  • Only one territory can be automatically assigned to a job opening.
  • With the above use cases, if the system does not determine a single territory then territory will not be assigned to the job opening. Also, note that if a territory is manually assigned to a record, the territories will not be assigned automatically based on the use cases mentioned above.

Territory Reassignment When Records Are Modified

For clients, the associated child records are contacts and job openings. When a client is modified and falls into another territory, the associated contact and job opening may also be reassigned to a different territory. The following table will provide details on the various use cases when the parent record is modified.

Here are some business scenarios:

Parent records that are modifiedWhat will happen to the associated records?
A record that was part of two or more territories is now reassigned to a new territory.Records will be reassigned to the new single territory.
A record that was assigned to only one territory is now assigned to additional territories.Records will remain assigned to the parent record's territory. It will not be assigned to the new additional territories.
A record that was assigned to only one territory is now reassigned to new territories.Records will not be assigned to the new territories. The associated records will not be part of any territory.
A record that was assigned to more than one territory is now assigned to additional territories.Records will remain assigned to the parent record's territories. It will not be assigned to the new additional territories.
A record that was assigned to more than one territory is now reassigned to new territories.Records will not be assigned to the new territories. The associated records will not be part of any territory.