How can I associate my company's Facebook Page with Zoho Recruit?

The first step, to start using the Social Integration, is to associate your company's Facebook pages and Twitter profiles with Zoho Recruit. The administrator needs to do this in your organization's Zoho Recruit account and additionally enable different types of permissions for other profiles.

Once you add a Facebook page or a Twitter profile:

  • Users can use the Social tab that will be available to users who have the profile permission to access the tab. 
  • Candidates and contacts will have a new Related List - Social Interactions. All Twitter and Facebook interactions associated to the candidate/contact will be listed below this related list.

Add Facebook Page

With your company's Facebook page associated with Zoho Recruit, you can perform the following set of actions from within Recruit.

  • Post a status.
  • Like a post or a comment.
  • Comment on a post.
  • Search relevant topics.

To add Facebook page:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator profile.
  2. Click Setup > Social > Facebook.
  3. In the Social Settings page, click Add Account.
    Please make sure that the pop-up blocker is disabled in your browser.
  4. In the Facebook pop-up page, specify the login credentials for your company's Facebook account that you want to associate to Zoho Recruit.
  5. Click Log In.
    Your Facebook account will be added.
  6. Click Add Page.
    Your organization's Facebook pages will be listed. 
  7. Click Add for the corresponding page that you want to add.
    Certain companies may have multiple pages. In that case, you can associate multiple pages too.
  8. Click the Permissions icon.
  9. Set permissions for Actions:
    • Actions - This permission defines who should take part in the Facebook interactions and who should just be silent listeners. Select profiles for each action.
      By default, Administrator profile is added.