How can I associate candidates and contacts with their LinkedIn profiles?

You can associate candidates/contacts in your Zoho Recruit account with their LinkedIn profiles as well as perform the following set of actions:

  • View the Linkedin profile along with details of the candidate/contact such as education, work experience, etc. 
  • Send private message to first level connections
  • View LinkedIn updates of the candidate/contact
  • Post comments on LinkedIn updates
  • Like or unlike the LinkedIn updates
  • Send invitations

Note: If you receive an alert message from Zoho, "We are not able to retrieve information from LinkedIn. You will not be able to perform this action for some time. Please try again later ", it is because you have reached the request limit set by LinkedIn. For social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, there is a throttle limit that is reset every 24 hours. The throttle limit is applicable for the activities that are listed above.

To associate candidate/contact with their LinkedIn profile:

  1. Go to Candidate/Contact tab.
  2. In the Candidate/Contact Home page, click the record.
    Candidate/Contact Details page is displayed.
  3. Click the LinkedIn icon next to candidate/contact name.
  4. Enter the LinkedIn profile URL in the Associate LinkedIn Profile text box. 
  5. Click Associate corresponding to the profile that you want to associate with the record.
    The candidate/contact is associated with their LinkedIn profile in Zoho Recruit. You can disassociate or change the LinkedIn profile anytime you require.

Note: To get the profile URL, you can search for the candidate directly in LinkedIn, copy the profile link/browser URL, and use it to associate the candidate profile in Recruit.