How can I associate candidates/contacts with their Twitter profiles?

After authenticating, you can associate the Twitter profiles with the candidates/contacts in Recruit. The profiles will be searched based on the full name of the candidate/contact. If you know the Twitter handle, you can directly use it to associate the profile to the candidate/contact. Also, if you have already mentioned the Twitter handle in the Twitter Field, the twitter handle will be automatically associated to the candidate/contact. Once the profile is associated, you can perform the following set of actions:

  • View the Twitter profile of the candidates and contacts.
  • View your customers' Twitter followers and people whom they are following
  • Follow or Unfollow
  • Tweet and Retweet
  • Reply to the tweets of lcandidates/contacts
  • Mark tweets as Favorite
  • Mention candidates/contacts in tweets

To associate candidate/contact with their Twitter profile:

  1. Go to Candidate/Contact tab.
  2. In the Candidate/Contact Home page, click the record.
    Candidate/Contact Details page is displayed.
  3. Click the Twitter icon next to candidate/contact name.
    The Twitter profiles that match the candidate/contact are listed.
  4. If you know the twitter handle, then click the Do you know [Module's] twitter username? link and specify the Twitter handle.
  5. Click Associate corresponding to the twitter handle that you want to associate with the record.
    You can disassociate or change the Twitter handle anytime you want.
  • If the Twitter handle is specified in the Twitter field for a candidate or contact, the corresponding profile will be automatically associated to the record.
  • Twitter profiles are searched based on the full name of the candidate/contact.