How can I add custom 'from' address?

By default, the sender's email address is displayed in the 'from address'. Custom From Address feature allows the user to customize the from address in the email template. While mailing candidates or clients, sending it via a pre-defined ‘from address’ helps you to keep the entire team in the communication loop. This also helps you manage multiple email accounts in Zoho Recruit.

Note: Only Recruiter Admin can add custom from address.

To add custom 'from address':

  1. Click Setup > Templates > Custom From Address.
  2. In the Custom From Address page, click Add Custom From Address. New Custom From Address window is displayed.
  3. In the New Custom From Address form do the following:
    1. Enter the Display Name.
    2. Enter the Email Address.
    3. Specify the Signature.
    4. Click Send notification.
      The new From Address will be listed after it is verified.
  • By default, the email address of the user who sends the email will be used as From Address.
  • Only verified email addresses will be listed.