How can I lock/unlock an email account?

The configurations for Zoho Mail Add-on can be changed only by the users themselves. You cannot change the configurations of other user's mail accounts, however, you can lock/unlock the configurations as an Administrator. On locking it, the user will not be able to change the mail add-on settings, which includes changing the Account Type or the Mailbox. 

This feature is helpful when you plan to take a backup of the deactivated user's mail account. You can take a backup for Account Types with only Record-Level Sharing and Complete Sharing options. So, in order to restrict the user from changing the account type to Private mode, you can lock the mail add-on configuration.

To lock mail add-on configurations:

  1. Click Setup > Users & Permissions > Zoho Mail Add-on Users.
    All the active and confirmed users utilizing Zoho Mail Add-on will be listed. 
    You can view the Mailbox, Account Type details for all the users. For the deactivated user, the Email Backup Details will also be available.
  2. Click Lock Configuration for the corresponding user.

To unlock mail add-on configurations:

  1. Click Setup > Users & Permissions > Zoho Mail Add-on Users.
    All the active and confirmed users utlizing Zoho Mail Add-on will be listed. 
    You can view the Mailbox, Account Type details for all the users. For the deactivated user, the Email Backup Details will also be available.
  2. Click Unlock Configuration for the corresponding user.
  • If there is more than one Administrator in your Zoho Recruit account, you will not be able to lock or unlock your own Mail Add-on configurations. You can only lock it for other administrators.
  • If you are the only Administrator in your Zoho Recruit account, you can lock or unlock your own Mail Add-on configurations.
  • You will not be able to lock the Mail Add-on configuration of the users who have set their account as Private.