Quick Reads

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66 Questions to Help You Craft Realistic Customer & User Personas

At its heart, business is about people. Interacting with people, showing them why your product or service is the best, and using that product or... Read more

5 Ways to Showcase Your Value Proposition

If “above the fold” isn’t a term you know, you’re probably at least familiar with the concept. In the days before the internet, “above the... Read more

9 ​Ecommerce UX Best Practices​ in Action (Case Study) ​

Even if you’ve read our tips on how to create stronger, more effective product pages, shopping carts, and everything else that goes into an... Read more

Best Practices for Website Navigation Menus

Your navigation menu is like a series of doors embedded above-the-fold of your website, which open—hopefully intuitively—to the information... Read more

Ecommerce UX: 3 Examples to Learn From

At Zoho Academy, we’ve covered best practices for ecommerce UX at length. We’ve offered tips, tricks, and strategies for homepages, product pages,... Read more

How to Respond to Negative Feedback in Customer Reviews

As important as they are for your business, there can be a dark side to reviews. Any time you open the door for feedback, whether it be privately... Read more

Creating Support Pages that Support Your Sales 

It’s a collection of pages with many names: “Support Center,” “Help Center,” “Contact Us,” “Customer Care,” “Customer... Read more

5 Important Elements to Put Below the Fold on Your Company Homepage

Hopefully the space above the fold on your business’s homepage already features a strong benefit-oriented headline that tells visitors just... Read more

3 Strategies to Increase the Response Rate on Requests for Business Reviews

With some combination of good business practices and luck, you’ll likely get plenty of unsolicited reviews about your business on platforms like... Read more

9 Characteristics of a Killer FAQ Page

Your FAQ exists for one purpose: to stand in for the human who’d be present and available if your website was a brick-and-mortar shop. When done... Read more