How can I create macros?

Macros are a set of actions that can be executed for a group of records in a module. These sets of actions include sending emails, creating tasks, and updating a field in the records with a specified value. You may have a set of actions that you perform on a daily basis or frequently to some records. You can combine all these actions in a single macro and perform them again and again. For example, take the following scenario and check how using macros makes the job easier.

Scenario - You are a recruiter and some candidates are assigned to you. Your job is to meet the candidates and take an interview. After contacting them, you perform the following set of actions:

  • Send a follow up email.
  • Update the Status field as '1st Follow-up Initiated'.
  • Create a task for the other members in your team to follow-up with the candidate.


  • You need to have all the 3 profile permissions to access the Macros feature.
  • In each macro, you can configure 1 email3 tasks, and 3 field updates.
  • Macros cannot be automatically triggered or scheduled. You need to manually run the macros.
  • Macros are user specific, so you can access only the macros that you have created in your account.
  • The email is sent to the address provided in the Email field of the record.
  • In Zoho Recruit, you can send 250 mass emails per day. Mass emailing includes emails sent using the following features: 

Supported Modules

Macros are available in the following modules:

  • Candidates
  • Contacts
  • Job Openings
  • Custom

Create Macros

You can create macros for individual modules and manage them. The macros that you create can be accessed only by you.

To create a macro:

  1. Click the [Module] tab for which you want to create a macro.
  2. In the Module's Home page, click Run Macro > Create Macro.
  3. In the Create Macros page, specify a Name and Description for the Macro.
  4. Click Choose a Template.
    1. Select an Email Template from the drop-down list.
    2. Click Add.
      The selected template will be used to send emails to the selected records.
  5. Click Configure Field.
    1. Select the Field from the drop-down list.
    2. Specify the field value in the text box.
    3. Click Configure.
  6. Click Configure Task.
    1. Specify the task related details like SubjectDue DateStatusPriority etc.
      Insert merge fields to create dynamic task subjects.
    2. Click Configure.
  7. Click Create.

Note: In each macro, you can configure 1 email3 tasks, and 3 field updates. The actions once created, cannot be edited. In case of any change, you need to delete the action and create again.