How can I create records?

You can create different types of user groups and share the common records among groups.

In the Zoho Recruit system, you can create records by:

  • Entering data manually in the record details form
  • Importing records from external sources
  • Capturing records from Career Website (through web forms)

Create Records Individually

You can create records manually whenever there is a limited number of records that can be created one by one. In such cases, it is easy to manually feed in the available details and create new records instantly.

You can create records individually by:

  • Filling details in the record creation form.
  • Cloning the record with few changes in the existing details.
  • By default, the person who creates the record owns it.
  • To change owner, click the Change link in the Record Owner field from the Record Details page and select another user.

To create records individually:

  1. In the [Module] tab, click New [Module].
  2. In the Create Record page, enter the details.
  3. Click Save.

To clone records:

  1. In the [Module] tab, click a particular record that is to be cloned.
    Module refers to Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. In the [Module] Details page, click Clone.
  3. In the Clone [Record] page, modify the required details.
  4. Click Save.

Import Records

Importing records from external sources to the Recruit system is one of the most important activities in marketing and sales, when you are using different systems to gather data. For example, you may be purchasing records from external sources, capturing product requests through Web sites, getting records from a different business unit within the organization where there is a chance of cross-selling products, or migrating data from your old system to Zoho Recruit. In all these cases, importing records enhances your productivity.

You can import records, if you are authorized to perform this operation. Otherwise, the Import records button in [Module] Home page will be hidden in your user interface. By default, record ownership is held by the user, who imports the records. You can change the record's ownership while importing, by adding a record owner column in the CSV/XLS file that is imported and the map it to the Assigned To field. This will automatically assign records to particular users. Use the exact Zoho Recruit users' names while creating the record import file, otherwise records are not created in Zoho Recruit.

  • The Import link is displayed only if you have the privilege to use the Import feature.
  • Please contact your administrator in case these links are disabled.
  • Before importing records, you must have the record details in a CSV/XLS file.
  • Before importing the records, close the CSV/XLS file and the Spreadsheet program.
  • Ensure that the CSV file does not contain any apostrophes (For example, ABC's).

See AlsoImport Data.

Capture Records from Career Website (Using Web Forms)

Web forms simplify the process of capturing visitors' or users' information from the Career Website into your Recruit system. They are designed to automate the importing of data from career website into Zoho Recruit and to enable non-technical users to design and publish their own web forms.


  • Capture data (candidate's information)
  • Communicate with candidates
  • Conduct surveys
  • Respond to user questions
  • Receive online feedback

See AlsoGenerate Web Forms.