How can I generate web forms?

Creating a web form involves three steps:

  1. Building the form - Drag and drop fields to build a form and format it easily with the WYSIWYG editor.
  2. Specifying the form details - Add details such as form name, landing page URL (where the visitor needs to be redirected after the form is submitted) record assignment rule, notification details, etc.
  3. Generating the code for the form - Embed the form using various code formats. Codes for some third-part sites (WordPress, Google Sites, Facebook, and Joomla) are readily available.

You can build web forms to generate records for the CandidatesContacts and any other Custom modules. While building a web form, the following elements are available in the form:

Add FieldsDrag and drop the fields that are required in the form. By default, some of the fields are already added when you build a new form.
Set fields' font and form layoutUse the WYSIWYG editor to change the font style and size, background color, title background color, title font color, field width, alignment of the fields, etc. in the form.
Insert CaptchaCaptcha is used for security in feedback forms, website registration, comments from visitors, etc. Add captcha for the Zoho CRM system to prevent unauthorized automated spamming programs from filling the web form. This option is available only in the Paid Editions.
Upload Files in the formWith this option capture files through your web-to-lead/contact/case forms (or any other custom module), such as screenshots of an issue, quote requests, photo of individuals, etc. You can upload up to 3 files and the size of all the files put together should be within 20 MB. If the total file size exceeds the limit, the form will not be submitted and the record will not be added in Zoho CRM. This option is available only in the Paid Editions.
Mark fields as mandatory

Collect important information such as name, email address, mobile number, etc. from the visitors who fill up the web form by marking fields as mandatory.

Mark fields as hiddenAdd a hidden field and its value in the form. These hidden values are submitted along with the web form but are hidden to the visitors who fill the form.
Add help link for a fieldA field you provide may require data to be filled in a specific format. For example, the date format may need to be specified in DD-MM-YYYY. For such requirements, you can use the option to add a tip or hint to help the visitor who fills the form.
Change button nameThe name of the call to action button can be Save, Submit, or another other name. You can easily change the name as per your requirements.
Specify location URL of the formThe Location URL is the web page URL where you plan to host the web form. Specifying the URL helps prevent spam and allows only forms submitted through the particular domain to be captured as valid information.
Specify landing page URLThis is the URL of the web page to which the visitor needs to be redirected once the web form is submitted.
Select record assignment ruleRecords generated through the web forms can be automatically assigned to the users in CRM with the help of Assignment Rules.
Specify notification optionsSet notifications that needs to be sent to the record owners and also the visitors who submit the forms. Email templates or autoresponse rules can be used to send notification emails.
Embed form codeEmbed the web form's code in your web page. The code is available in three different formats - HTML source code, Embed code and iFrame code.


To generate web forms:
  1. Click Setup > Career Website Integration > Web Forms.
  2. In the Web Forms page, select the Module from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Create New [Module] Form.
  4. In the web form builder, do the following:
  5. Build a form
    • Drag and drop the fields that you need in the web form.
    • Insert captcha.
    • Add the option to upload files.
    • Mark fields as mandatory.
    • Make fields hidden in the form.
    • Provide hint or help links for fields.
    • Set font and layout of the form.
    • Change button names.
  6. Specify form details and other options
    • Add form details such as, form name, landing page URL, form location URL.
    • Set record assignment rule.
    • Set notification options
  7. Copy web form code and embed options
    • Get code to embed in your site and other third-party sites.
      The code is available in three different formats - HTML source code, Embed code and iFrame code.
Note: In the Module drop-down list, only Candidate, Contact and Custom modules will be listed.