Bulid a Form

You can drag & drop fields in the WYSIWYG editor, which also provides various other options to build a form.

Add Fields

Drag & drop the fields you need in the form and change the font style and size, background color, alignment of the fields, etc.

To add fields and set font and layout of the form:

  1. Under the Fields List tab, click on a field and drag & drop it in the form builder.
  2. Make changes to the font, background color, title background color, title font color, form field width, field label alignment and form container width.
  • By default, some of the fields are already added in the form.
    • For Candidates and Contacts - Last NameEmail and Phone fields.
  • You cannot remove the following fields from the form, as they are mandatory for a record.
    • For Candidates and Contacts - Last Name field.
  • To have custom fields, you need to first create them in the particular module.
  • When you add the Account Name field in the web form for Contacts and contact details are submitted, an account will automatically be created in Zoho Recruit. If an account with the same name already exists in your Recruit account, an account will not be created when the form details are submitted.
  • An Account will be created, even if certain mandatory field details are not provided. Later, when the account is edited, you need to provide the other mandatory details before saving the record.

Upload Files

Capture files through your web-to-candidate/contact forms, such as resume, photo of individuals, etc. The size of the file should be within 20 MB. If the file size exceeds the limit, the form will not be submitted and the record will not be added in Zoho Recruit. This option is available only in the Paid Editions.

To add the option to upload files:

  1. Click the Advanced Tools tab.
  2. Drag & drop the File Upload field.
    Note that the visitor can upload a file not more than 20 MB. You can use the help link option in the Field Settings to provide this hint.

Insert Captcha

Add captcha to prevent unauthorized automated spamming programs from filling the web form. This option is available only in the Paid Editions.

To insert captcha:

  1. Click the Advanced Tools tab.
  2. Drag & drop the Captcha field.

Mark Fields as Mandatory

Collect important information such as name, email address, mobile number, etc. from the visitors who fill up the web form by marking fields as mandatory.

To mark fields as mandatory:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the field that you want to mark as mandatory.
  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. In the Field Properties pop-up, select the Mark as required field checkbox.
  4. Click Done.

Mark Fields as Hidden

Add a hidden field and its value in the form. These hidden values are submitted along with the web form but are hidden to the visitors who fill the form. For example, if you have hosted the same form in various web pages, the hidden field will help you identify which record is generated form a web form hosted in a specific web page.

To make fields hidden in the form:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the field that you want to hide in the form.
  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. In the Field Properties pop-up, select the Mark as hidden field checkbox.
  4. Specify the value for the field and click Done.

Provide Help Link

A field you provide may require data to be filled in a specific format. For example, the date format may need to be specified in DD-MM-YYYY. For such requirements, you can use the option to add a tip or hint to help the visitor who fills the form.

To provide hint or help links for fields:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the field for which you want to provide hint or help link.
  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. In the Field Properties pop-up, select the Include help link checkbox.
  4. Choose one of the following:
  • Link & Text - Specify a text for the link and provide the link URL.
  • LinkOnly - Specify the help/hint text. For example, the date field can have - MM-DD-YYYY
  • Click Done.

Change Button Name

By default, there are two call to action buttons - Submit and Reset. You can rename these buttons as per your requirements.

To change button names:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the field that you want to rename in the form.
  2. Click on the Settings icon.
  3. In the Field Properties pop-up, modify the field name.
    The name of the field will be changed only in the form.
  4. Click Done.

Remove Field from the Form

Easily remove unwanted fields from the web form and add them whenever required.

To remove a field from the form:

  1. Move your mouse pointer to the field that you want to remove from the form.
  2. Click on the Delete icon.

Preview the Web Form

Take a look at the web form before publishing it in your web site.

To preview the form:

  1. In the form builder, click on the Preview link.
    A preview of the form will be available.