How can I send SMS to Candidates and Contacts?

Sending SMS is one of the most convenient and easiest form of communication. In Zoho Recruit you can message your Candidate/Contact through the SMS Gateway feature.

To send SMS to single Candidate/Contact:

  1. Click the [Module] tab.
  2. In the [Module] Home page, select the record.
  3. In the Record Details page, under Quick Actions located on the right panel, click Send SMS.


    Send SMS to [Record] pop-up window is displayed.

  4. Select the template in which the message needs to be sent from the Select SMS Template drop-down list.
    Note: To create a new template, click the Go to SMS templates link.
  5. If you don't want to send the message via a predefined template, then select the appropriate merge fields and copy paste the merge field values in the template body.
  6. Click Send.
  • SMS Gateway feature is available only for Enterprise users.
  • Only the Admin can purchase credits from SMS Vendor and Configure the SMS settings in Zoho Recruit
  • Only the Admin can create SMS templates for Candidates, Contacts and Interviewer.
  • Admin and Recruiter can send SMS to Interviewer, Candidates and Contacts as Single/Bulk.
  • Only the Admin can give SMS Gateway access to the Recruiters.