How can I create lookup fields? 

The lookup field helps in establishing relationship between different modules (linking two different modules: Clients with Contacts) or establishing parent-child relationship with a module. Note that lookup fields cannot be created for Tasks and Events.

Examples of Parent-Child Relationship:

  1. Parent Client - Member Clients (Doing business with Head Quarter Company and multiple divisions within the company)
  2. Contact - Member Contacts, Client
  3. Job Opening - Client, Contact
  4. Client - Parent Client
  5. Interview - Candidate, Job Opening, Client and Contact

To create lookup fields:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Setup Customization Fields.
  3. Select the module from the drop-down list and click New Custom Field.
    Module refers to the Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs. 
  4. In [Module] New Custom Field page, select Lookup from the Field Type list.
  5. In the Field Details section, do the following:
    • Enter a name for the lookup field in the Label text box. 
    • Select the Section Name from the drop-down list where the field should be displayed.
    • Select a module from the Lookup Type drop-down. In the field, data from the module selected here, will be listed.
    • Enter the Related List Label.
    • Select the checkbox to Publish in website.
      Note: This checkbox is displayed only if you select the Job Openings module. 
  6. Click Save.