How can I map candidate and contact fields?

When a candidate is converted into a contact, field values of a candidate are transferred to the mapped contact fields. Only when the fields are accurately mapped with those of the corresponding module, the data can be transferred properly.

By default, the standard fields are mapped with the corresponding fields of the other module. With the candidate conversion mapping tool, you can easily map other fields that you create. Please note that you need to map a field with a similar type of field only. For example, a Text field should be mapped only with a Text field, a Picklist field with a similar type of Picklist field.

To map candidate and contact fields:

  1. Click Setup > Customization > Fields
  2. From the Modules drop-down list select Candidates.
  3. Click Map Fields.
  4. In the Map Fields for Candidates Conversion page, the fields are listed under Candidate Field column.
  5. Map the candidate fields to the corresponding fields of contact.
  6. Click Save.