How can I create custom list views?

You can create custom list views in Zoho Recruit by defining criteria as per your requirement. The custom views created by the user will be listed under the Created By Me section in the drop down list.  

To create custom views:

  1. Click the [Module] Tab.( For e.g. Candidates, Contacts, Clients, etc.).
  2. In the [Module]Home page, move your mouse pointer to the list view's drop-down.
  3. Click the Create View link.
  4. In the New View page, do the following.
    1. Enter the custom View Name.
    2. Select the Mark as Favorite, if required.
      The custom list views marked as favorite will be listed first in the list view drop-down.
    3. Select the columns to be displayed in the View mode.
    4. Choose the option as to who can see this view.
    5. Specify Criteria to filter the records.
  5. Click Save.
  • In the Choose Columns section, select the columns to be displayed in the List View from the Available Columns list box. After selecting the columns you can change the order of the columns or remove unnecessary columns from the Selected Columns list box.
  • It is better to select less than 10 columns to avoid horizontal scrolling in List View.