How can I export reports?

You can export the report data into XLS, CSV, PDF and HTML formats, which can be used for further data analysis purpose.

To export reports:

  1. Click the Reports tab.
  2. In the Reports Home page, select the report from the required module. 
    For example, Candidates by Source from the Candidates module.
  3. In the report page, click Export and select one of the following options:
    • Export to Excel: To save the report in .XLS format
    • Export to CSV: To save the report in CSV format
    • Export to PDF: To export the report to PDF


  1. A maximum of 2000 records will be listed on a page. You can use the navigate option to view others pages.
  2. You will be able to export up to 20000 records per page, in each export.
  3. To receive a complete backup, you can request a data backup at $10.00 (USD), per request.