How can I specify search pattern?

The Search Pattern has three options that will help you decide where to search the recipient's email address, in the Candidates/Contacts module or in both the modules. Based on this option, Zoho Recruit will search the matching record and associate the email to the record.

To specify search pattern:

  1. Click Setup > Personal Settings > Email Settings > BCC Dropbox.
  2. In the BCC Dropbox page, click the Edit Search Pattern link.
  3. In the Edit Search Pattern pop-up box, choose one of the following:
    • Search in Contacts, if not found create a new Contact - Recruit will search for the recipient's email address only in the Contacts module. If no matching records are found, a contact will be created.
    • Search in Candidates, if not found create a new Candidate - Recruit will search for the recipient's email address only in the Candidates module. If no matching records are found, a candidate will be created.
    • Search in Contacts, if not found search in Candidates, still not found, then [Select option from the drop-down list] - Recruit will search for the recipient's email address first in the Contacts module. If no matching records are found, it will be searched in the Candidates module. If there are still no matching results, you can choose an action item from the following:
      • Create a Candidate
      • Create a Contact
  4. Click Done.
  • If you do not have the permission to the Candidates or Contacts tab, the Edit Search Pattern link will not be available.
  • When no matching records are found, the recipient’s email address will be used to create a record. The email address will be used in both the Email and the Last Name fields to create the record. 
    For example, will be the value for both the Email and Last Name fields in the record that is created.