Integrate Twilio with Zoho Recruit

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Set up Twilio Integration with Zoho Recruit

Twilio, the hosted PBX system integrated with Zoho Recruit offers options to organize your organization's incoming and outgoing calls from within Zoho Recruit. You can configure the Twilio set up to manage call and associate the calls with the candidates/ contacts/ clients in your Zoho Recruit database. The Twilio Integration set up includes three steps:

  1. Authorize Twilio

  2. Add Twilio Number for Incoming Calls

  3. Add Twilio Number for Outgoing Calls


Step 1: Authorize Twilio

To authorize Twilio integration

  1. ClickSetup Apps & Add-ons Other AppsPhoneBridge.

  2. In the PhoneBridge page, choose Twilio as the telephony provider from the drop-down list.

  3. Specify the Account SID and Auth Token from your Twilio account.

  4. Click Authorize.
    The Twilio account will be authorized. Refer to Steps 2 & 3 to configure incoming and outgoing numbers.


Step 2: Add Twilio Number for Incoming Calls

To associate users to phone numbers.

  1. ClickSetup Apps & Add-ons Other AppsPhoneBridge.

  2. Under the Incoming call tab, click Add phone number.

  3. Enter the Phone number that you purchased from Twilio.

  4. Select any one of the options. Based on this, the incoming calls will be channeled to the recruiters.

    • Configure IVR menu- Set up an IVR menu that will be played for the caller. Based on the options selected by the caller, calls will be directed to the specified users.

    • Associate Recruiters- All the incoming calls to this phone number will be channeled to the specified users.

  5. Click Save.


Option 1: Configure IVR Menu

UnderIVR Menu Configuration section, do the following:

  1. Key Press- Specify a number between 1-9.

  2. Menu- Enter a menu option for the number.

  3. Action- Select an action from the drop-down list.

    • Assign Recruiters- Select one or more recruiters from the list of active Recruit users.
      The call will be channeled to the selected users. When multiple users are selected, you will have the option to specify the Ringing Type.

      • Simultaneous ringing- All the selected users will get an incoming call simultaneously.

      • Sequential ringing- All the selected users will get an incoming call in a sequence. The sequence depends on whoever logs in to ZohoRecruit first--> can be linked with faq. If a user is unavailable, the call will be forwarded to the next user.
        In this option, specify the Ring interval. The call, if not attended, will be forwarded in this sequence one more time if you select the Repeat ringing check box.

    • Configure IVR Menu- Specify Key Press, Menu and Action to create sub IVR menu and click Done.

  4. Click on the Addicon to add more menu options and repeat steps from 1.
    You can add up to 5 levels in the IVR Menu.

Under IVR Voice Configuration section, do the following:

  1. Call Recording- Select Call Recording ON or OFF for the incoming calls.
    Note: Call Recording maybe charged depending on your Twilio account.

  2. Welcome message- Add a welcome message for the caller. Example: Thank you for calling Zylker Inc.

  3. Menumessage- Enter a menu option for the number. Also specify the format in which it needs to be read. Key and Menu variables will be populated automatically and cannot be removed.
    Example: Kindly Select ${Key press} for ${Menu}.

  4. Message when user is unavailable- Enter the message to notify callers when a user is unavailable
    Example:Our HR department is currently unavailable.

  5. Voice Format- Select the voice format from the available options. Text, Audio or URL

    • Text- Enter the message as text.

    • AudioFile- Select the Audio file option to attach an audio file for the welcome message.

    • Audio URL- Select the Audio URL option and Specify the URL of the audio file.


  • You can set up to 9 IVR menus. In the case of a sub menu, you can add up to 5 IVR menus.

  • Voice Format can be of different formats for different messages.

  • For multi-level IVR menu, onlyTextvoice format is supported.

  • You can change the call status to On-line or Offline.

Option 2: Associate Recruiters

  1. Select one or more Recruiters from the list of active Recruit users.
    The call will be channeled to the selected users. When multiple users are selected, you will have the option to specify the Ring Type.

    • Simultaneous ringing- All the selected users will get an incoming call simultaneously.

    • Sequential ringing- All the selected users will get an incoming call in a sequence. If a user is unavailable, the call will be forwarded to the next user.
      The call, if not attended, will be forwarded in this sequence for a maximum of two rounds.

Under the Voice Configuration section, you can choose the voice format, enter a welcome message for the caller, etc.


Step 3: Add Twilio Number for Outgoing Calls

To associate users to phone numbers.

  1. ClickSetup Apps & Add-ons Other AppsPhoneBridge.

  2. In the PhoneBridge page, under the Outgoing call tab, click Associate phone number.

  3. Select a recruiter from the User drop-down list.
    All the active users will be listed.

  4. Select a phone number from the Phone Number drop-down list.
    All the phone numbers that you have purchased from Twilio will be listed.

  5. Click the Add icon to associate more users with phone numbers.
    Based on this association, users will be able to make outgoing calls from their respective phone numbers.

  6. Call Recording- You can either enable or disable the call recording option. The recorded calls will be attached to the record under Notes.

  7. Click Save.


Edit or Remove a Phone Number

From the list of incoming and outgoing phone numbers, you can edit or remove them whenever required.

To edit or remove a phone number

  1. Click Setup Apps & Add-ons Other AppsPhoneBridge.

  2. In the PhoneBridge page, the phone numbers added will be listed.

  3. Click the Incoming calls or Outgoing calls tab.

  4. Move the mouse pointer to a phone number and click on any one of the links:

    • Edit- In theIncoming tab, you can edit the details such as IVR messages, call recording options, automated messages when busy or unavailable, etc. In the Outgoing tab, you can edit the user and the phone number assigned to the user for outgoing calls.

    • Remove– In the Incoming tablist, this will disable all incoming calls for the phone number from within Zoho Recruit. In the Outgoing tab, disable all outgoing calls for the user from within Zoho Recruit.​


  • You need a paid Twilio Account and a Zoho RecruitEnterpriseaccount.

  • Requires Windows® XP or above or Mac OS® X 10.8 Mountain Lion or above.

  • Supported browsers include: Chrome™ 30 (or later), Firefox® 25 (or later),and Internet Explorer® 10 (or later)

Related Links

Zoho PhoneBridge | Make/receive calls | Integrate RingCentral



1. I am not able to make/receive calls from Zoho Recruit. Why?

One of the major reasons you may not be able to make/receive calls is that you have browser compatibility issues. In this case, go to During the check, if you see any red boxes, you need to report the error to Twilio. If all boxes are green and you hear a cowbell sound, then it means your browser is compatible.

Apart from this, following are the other reasons you may not be able to make/receive calls.

  • You don’t have enough balance in your Twilio account to make/receive calls.
  • Your browser does not have Adobe Flash Plugin installed.
  • You have changed VoiceURL or Status CallBack URL for Twilio PhoneNumber or TWIML application (named Zoho Recruit) in Twilio. Do not change them.
  • If you have changed the phone number properties but could not revert to default, then please delete the phone number and add it again.

Make sure you rectify these and try again.

2. Why do I get the number, '266696687' as the Caller ID even though all the callers are different?

This is not a phone number, but a code that Twilio displays for any Anonymous call.

The Caller ID number that Twilio displays in your Call Logs is whatever the carrier sends them. Sometimes, the originating carrier for a call will pass through one of the following words. Twilio will convert these words to digits and uses those digits as the 'From' parameter.

  • RESTRICTED: 737 874-2833
  • BLOCKED: 256-2533
  • UNKNOWN: 865-6696
  • ANONYMOUS: 266696687

When you receive these numbers as the Caller ID, do not add it in Zoho Recruit as a contact. If you do so, any other anonymous call (whose actual phone number is different) will be associated to the contact you add.

3. In sequential ringing, how does Zoho Recruit decide who gets the call first?

The sequence depends on whoever signs into Zoho Recruit first.

For example, Jim and Ken are two Recruit users associated with a call. Jim signs in first and then Ken. So Jim's position in the sequential ringing queue is 1. Ken’s is 2.

An incoming call is first routed to Jim. If he takes the call, his status changes automatically to “busy”. A second call that comes in regardless of whether Jim is finished with the first call or not, will now be routed to Ken. Now Ken’s position in the queue is 1 and Jim's is 2, as Jim has answered the first call.

Note that the sequence changes only if Jim answers the first call. If he changes his status to “busy”, without attending a call, he becomes inactive in the queue but his position in the queue does not change. He will still be the first one to receive a call, when he comes back online.

4. What happens to a call if none of the users associated attend it?

Depending on the status of the users, the caller will be notified that the person they are calling is unavailable or busy. Following this message the caller would be requested to leave a Voice Mail. This message can be customized in Zoho Recruit.

The call would then be shown under missed calls, along with the voice message, if there were any.

5. What’s this 'Read Format' in IVR menu configuration?

Read Format refers to the format in which the IVR menu message is read out. It could be one of the following:

  • Key Press followed by Menu

Example: Press 1 for English

In this case, you have to specify the Read Format as ${Key Press} for ${Menu}

  • Menu followed by Key press

Example: For English, Press 1

In this case, you have to specify the format as ${Menu} Press ${Key Press}