
New joinee onboarding process

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To know about the complete automation procedure of the new joinee onboarding process. When a new employee joins an organization, the basic things that an HR must do is to create login access for the employee(s), provide ID card, allocate a place, provide work computer, phone, configure system, enroll employees in the benefit plans, etc. Given below is the step by step procedure to achieve this through workflow. 

Workflow process

To create a Welcome Letter Template:

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Templates >  Record Template  > Add Template
  • Select Employee from the Form Name drop-down list
  • Provide Template Name as Welcome letter
  • Select Record Template as Template Type
  • Select the required fields from the available merge fields
  • Select System Fields from the drop down if you would like to insert fields like Company Logo, Company Name, Company First Address etc. as required
  • Click Save

You can Edit, Clone or Delete the template if required. Click here to know how

To send the Welcome Letter to the employee:

  • From your home page, go to Organization > Employee
  • Click on the desired employee name and the Employee form appears
  • Click on the ellipsis icon and click Download as PDF 
  • Select Welcome letter from the Select Template drop-down list
  • Select Portrait View or Landscape View
  • Click Download
  • Attach the file and send it to the new joiner

To send it directly from mail alert as attachment:

To configure checklist for the new joiner onboarding process:

  • Click Settings (Gear icon) > Automation > Checklists > Add Checklist
  • Provide Checklist name as New joinee
  • Select Employee from the Select form drop-down list
  • Click Save
  • ProvideAllocate workplace for employee in Specify task name
  • Provide Description if needed and provide Duration to complete the task
  • Click individual drop-down list to Assign owner for this task. You can choose from options like Teams, Roles, Form Field(The values listed in the Form Field are the lookup fields that were added while you created the form) etc. You can also directly add employee email ids here
  • Under Message, select 'Person performing this action; under 'From'
  • Select the task owner from the To drop-down list
  • Enter 'Allocate workspace for new joiner'  as Subject
  • Provide required message and click Save
  • Click Add New Task and follow the same procedure as above to add all the tasks as listed below
    1. Enroll Benefit Plans for Employee(s):Assign this task to the Finance Department
    2. Conduct Induction Program for New Joinees: Assign this task to the HR Department
    3. Provide Laptop for New Employee(s): Assign this task to the System Admin Department
    4. Setup System Configuration: Assign this task to the System Admin Department
    5. Provide Phone to Employee(s): Assign this task to the Admin Department
    6. Create login access and provide ID Card: Assign this task to the HR Department.

Note: The task 'Provide Laptop for New Employees' is a parent task assigned to System Admin Department and the tasks Setup System Configuration and Provide Phone to Employees are the sub-tasks of this main task. System Admin Department should first provide laptops to new joiners and mark the status as completed. Once done, the task notification mail will be sent to the Admin Department for the corresponding sub-tasks. If there are five tasks in a check list, all the five tasks will get triggered automatically. Similarly, if there are 3 sub tasks for a particular task, the sub tasks will get triggered simultaneously after the completion of the parent task.

 TipTo re-order tasks and sub-tasks, you can drag the task/sub-task and drop them under the desired parent item.

To trigger the new joiner onboarding workflow process:

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Automation > Workflow> Add Workflow
  • Select the Employee form from the drop-down list for which the workflow is to be configured
  • Provide Workflow Name as New Joiner Workflow
  • Select the status checkbox for the rule to be Active and provide description
  • Select Execute based on Action
  • Select 'Create'
  • Under Action, go to Checklist, click on the folder icon to select the pre-defined checklists task - New joinee 
  • Click Save

Now the entire new joinee onboarding process is configured. Whenever a new record is created in the Employee form, this checklist will be triggered as per the workflow configured. 

Training date and time reminder

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To know about the in-depth automation process of reminding the employees of their training date and time. This help page gives you step by step procedure of setting a reminder to notify your employees to register for a training programme. The same procedure applies for any reminder(Contract expiry date, Birthday, Visa expiry date etc.,) you wish to configure in automation. This particular scenario can be done using both date based action and time based action and both of these are explained in this page. 

Workflow process

 Using Date Based Action.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Workflow under Automation > Add Workflow
  • Select Registration in Form Name
  • Enter Workflow Name. For eg - Training Reminder 
  • Select the status checkbox for the rule to be Active and provide description
  • Choose Trigger Process as Execute based on Date
  • Select Start date in the Field Name drop-down list
  • In Date of Execution drop-down list, select Until
  • Select 'Before' from the Start Date drop-down list and provide value 15 in the number of days box
  • Select 09.00 AM as Time of Execution
  • Under Actions click the folder icon to map an appropriate mail alert

Note: You can also create a new email alert by clicking on the + icon.

To configure new mail alert:

  • Click on the + icon in the workflow page
  • Under Form name, select the Registration form and give a name for the mail alert. For eg - Training Reminder email alert
  • Under From, enter the email id if any (for eg - clicking on the + symbol and under To, select 'Employee ID' from 'Form Fields'
  • Give a suitable subject. For eg - Training Reminder for ${TID.TRAINING_ID} (you can pick this by selecting this option from the list icon)
  • You can create a new message using the available merge fields

For eg -

"Dear (employee first name and Last name) (Select 'Employee ID' from the Available Merge Fields, select First Name and Last Name from 'Select Field' and click on Insert).

This is a reminder of your training of ${TID} which begins on ${Start_Date} and ends on ${End_Date}


HR Team"

You can also choose a suitable message by clicking on 'Choose from existing template' if you have a template ready.

 TipClick here to know how to create an email template.

  • Click Save

Now you have configured a new email alert for your workflow.

  • Go back to the workflow page and click Save to save your workflow

You have now configured a workflow which will get triggered based on your Trigger process. In this case, the workflow will get triggered and an email alert will be sent to the employee(s) everyday for five days until the start of the training programme.

Using Time Based Action.

The same workflow can be done as a Time based one. Follow the steps given below to do this. 

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon)> Workflow under Automation > Add Workflow
  • Select Registration in the Form name. 
  • Provide Workflow Name. Eg - Training Reminder 
  • Select the status checkbox for the rule to be Active and provide description
  • Choose Trigger Process as Execute based on Action
  • Select Create or Edit under Action
  • Click Add Time Based Action
  • Provide a Name and provide Execution Time as 15 Days Before Start Date
  • Click folder icon in Mail Alert and select the name of the mail alert or click + to configure a new email alert
  • Click Save

As a result of this workflow, whenever a record is added or edited in the training form, an email alert will be triggered five days before the start date of the Training date. The difference between Date based and time based action is that, when you select Date based action, the workflow gets triggered on/before/after a specific date. However, when you use Time based action, you can also define a specific time (number of minutes) after/before which the workflow should be triggered. 

Birthday Reminder:

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To create a workflow to send birthday wish to employees on their birthday automatically.

Workflow process

You can configure a workflow which will automatically trigger an email to employee(s) wishing them on their birthday.

Follow the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Automation > Workflows > Add Workflow
  • Select the Employee form in the 'Form Name' drop down
  • Give a name for the workflow and give a description if needed
  • Keep the status as 'Active'
  • Under 'Trigger Process', select 'Execute based on date'
  • Under 'Field Name', select Birth Date
  • Under 'Date of Execution', select 'On'
  • Under 'Time of Execution', select the Time of your choice
  • Under ' Execution occurence', select 'Occurring Every Year'
  • Under 'Action', go to Mail Alerts
  • Click the + symbol to configure a new email alert or click on the listing icon to see the list of existing email alerts

For new email alert:

  • Give form name, Mail Alert Name
  • Under Message, select From and under 'To', select 'Email ID' from 'Form Fields' by clicking on the list icon
  • Give a subject
  • Under Message, you can either create a new message by selecting Create New template or Choose from an existing template
  • If you have selected 'Create New message' option, create a suitable birthday wish using the available merge fields
  • If you have selected 'Choose from existing template', select the desired message template
  • Click Save

To map existing mail alert:

  • Select the desired mail alert from the list
  • Click Save

The workflow is configured now. Employee will receive a birthday wish email every year to their email id.

Work Anniversary Reminder:

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To send mails automatically to employees wishing them on their work anniversary.

Workflow process

You can configure a workflow which will automatically trigger email alerts to employees as and when they complete one or more years of service at work.

 Tip : You need to have a work anniversary field in the employee form, showing the number of years of service.

Follow the steps given below to calculate Work experience.

  • From your home page go to Settings (Gear Icon) > Forms and Tabs > Forms
  • Go to Employee Form
  • Drag and drop the formula field onto the form
  • Give the name as 'Work Experience' in Display Name
  • Under Formula Expression, enter the following formula


  • Click Save

The formula field helps in calculating the work experience of the employee. Once this is done, you can configure a workflow to trigger email for work anniversary.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Automation > Workflows > Add Workflow
  • Select the Employee form in the 'Form Name' drop down
  • Give a name for the workflow and give a description if needed
  • Keep the status as 'Active'
  • Under 'Trigger Process', select 'Execute based on date'
  • Under 'Field Name', select Date of Joining
  • Under 'Date of Execution', select 'On'
  • Under 'Time of Execution', select the Time of your choice
  • Under ' Execution occurrence', select 'Occurring Every Year'
  • Under 'Action', go to Mail Alerts
  • Click the + symbol to configure a new email alert or click on the listing icon to see the list of existing email alerts

For new email alert:

  • Give form name, Mail Alert Name
  • Under Message, select From and under 'To', select Person performing this action

Note: In case of reminders, 'Person Performing this action' refers to the record owner.

  • Give a subject
  • Under Message, you can either create a new message by selecting Create New template or Choose from an existing template

If you have selected 'Create New message' option, create a suitable anniversary wish using the available merge fields - For eg, "Dear Employee Name (Select Employee from Available merge fields and select First Name and Last Name from Select Field) Congratulations on completing _(Select Employee from Available merge fields and select 'Work Experience' or the field name that you have given for the work experience field in the employee form from the Select field) years of service in this organization. "

  • If you have selected 'Choose from existing template', select the desired message template
  • Click Save

The workflow is configured now and employees will receive email to their email id wishing them on their work anniversary day.

Disable login for employees on long leave 

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To automatically disable login for the long leave employees and enable login once they are back to work. For example, when the employee has taken one year leave due to health or maternity reasons etc., we can configure a workflow to disable their login during their leave period and automatically enable login once they back to work.

Workflow process

The first step is to configure a leave type called long leave.

Tip : Click here to know how to create a new leave type.

When an employee applies for leave under the 'Long leave' category, a workflow can be configured to change the status of the employee to 'Disabled'. The workflow should also include another condition to change the status to 'Active' from the day the leave ends.

Given below are steps to configure this workflow.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Automation > Workflows > Add Workflow
  • Select the leave form under Form Name and give a name
  • Keep the status as Active and give a description if needed
  • Under Trigger Process, select Execute based on action and choose Create
  • Under Criteria, in the first field, select 'Leave Type', in the second one, select value as 'Contains' and in the third field, select the value as 'Long Leave'
  • Click + to add a new row
  • Once a new row has been added, select the 'And' option
  • In the following fields, select the value 'Leave Count' from Leave, select the value 'Greater than' in the second field and enter 365 in the last field

This way, we are creating a condition which says that the workflow will get triggered when these conditions are satisfied.

  • Under Action, select Time Based Action
  • Give a name
  • Under Execution time enter '0' in the first field, 'days' in the second field, select the value 'After' from the third field and the value 'From' in the last field

This means that the workflow will be triggered from the day the long leave starts . I.e the employee login status will be changed to inactive from the day on which the long leave starts.

  • Select Field update and click on the + icon to configure a new field update
  • Give a name for the new field update Eg- Disable login
  • Go to edit field and under Field to be updated, go to Employee and select Employee Status
  • Under Select Field, select the status as Disabled
  • Click Save
  • Go back to the Workflow, and under Field Update, link the new field update that you have created to the workflow
  • Click Save

Now, the first part of the workflow is done. I.e - when an employee applies for leave under leave type 'Long leave', his/her status will be changed to login disabled from the day their leave starts.

The next part of the workflow configuration is to enable login for the employee when he/she joins work again.

  • Click on Add Time Based action
  • Give the name as Enable Login
  • Under Execution time, enter the value '1' in the first field, select 'day' in the second field, 'before' in the third field and 'To' in the last field

Now, this part of the workflow will get triggered from the date on which the leave ends. I.e - the employee's login status will be changed to active again from the next day of the end of long leave of the employee.

  • Under Field update, click the + icon to add a Field update
  • Give the field update name as Enable Login
  • Go to Edit field, and under Field to be updated, select Employee ID and choose Employee Status from the drop down
  • Under Select field, select Active
  • Click Save
  • Go back to the workflow and link this field update to the workflow by clicking on the icon
  • Click Save

The workflow is configured now. As a result, when an employee applies for leave under the 'Long leave' category, his/her login will be disabled form the day their leave begins. The login status will again become active on the day after the long leave ends.

Team change update

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The team update change automation process is a very useful scenario for any organization. All you need to do is a single time workflow configuration by following the steps explained in this help page. As a per requisite to this workflow, you need to create a form called 'Team Change' form, with the fields of your choice like Current Team name, New Team name etc. Using this process, whenever you update the department name in the team change form, department name in the respective employee form gets updated and a mail alert will be triggered. There is no need to manually go and update the employee form and send a mail alert every time whenever there is a team change.

Workflow process

  • Click Settings (gear icon)  > Workflow under Automation > Add Workflow
  • Select Team Change in Form Name. 
  • Provide 'Team Change Update' as Workflow Name
  • Select the status checkbox for the rule to be Active and provide description
  • Choose Trigger Process as Execute based on Action and click Create
  • Click + icon to create a new mail alert
  • Provide the details and the template message

 TipClick here to learn more about creating email alerts.

  • Click Save
  • Go to your workflow page and click Webhook list and click + icon to create a new webhook
  • Provide Update team change as Name
  • Provide in URL to Notify. 
  • Click Post in Method
  • Select Team Change in Form Name drop-down list
  • Under Parameters in Standard Format, Provide recordId as Parameter Name and select ID (Zoho ID) and Employee Details (Employee) as Parameter Value
  • Under Parameters in the User Defined Format, provide inputData in Parameter Name and ${Department_To.ID}${Reporting_To.ID} in Value Description and select Team Change from the drop-down list
  • Under Append Custom Parameters, provide authtoken as Parameter Value and 0d843f01bd2486e33a0cdd2aa6f4b425 in Parameter Value
  • Click Refresh URL and Save
  • Go to your workflow page and click folder icon in the mail alert
  • Select Team Change mail alert 
  • Select Update team change webhook 
  • Click Save

Record Template Attachment

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To automatically send salary slips to employees every month.

Workflow process

You can use workflow for an email to be sent every month with a copy of the salary slip. To set up this workflow, you need to have the salary slip template ready with you.

Given below are steps to get the template ready.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Templates > Record Template > Add Template
  • Under Form Name, select Salary Slip form
  • Give a name for the Template
  • Under Template type, select Record Template
  • In the Message, use the merge fields and type the message.

Note: You can have a spread sheet included in the message to show details like salary break up.

  • Click Save

Once the Record template is ready, you can follow the steps given below to get the workflow configured to have the Salary slip emailed to employees when there is a value added to the Salary Slip form. 

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Automation > Workflow > Add Workflow
  • Select the Salary Slip form under Form name
  • Give a name for the workflow - Eg: Monthly Salary slip generation
  • Keep the status as active and give a description if needed
  • Under Trigger Process, select Create
  • Under Action, select Mail Alerts
  • Click the + icon to create a new Mail alert or choose from existing template. Follow the steps given below to create a new mail alert
  • Select the Salary Certificate form under Form Name
  • Give a name for the mail alert
  • Select From and other fields as required

Note: Under To, click the icon (image) go to Form Fields and select Employee ID. When you select the Emp ID, the email alert will be sent to the employees for whom there is a record added in the Salary Slip form.

  • Under Message, you can either Create a new template or Choose from existing template.
  • If you would like create a new template, type the message by inserting the fields from the Available merge fields.
  • Under Attachments, select the Template from the list of record templates that you have already created
  • Click Save

Once this workflow is configured, employees will receive an email alert whenever a record(or value) is added in the Salary Slip form.

Note: This is one scenario where Record Template attachment can be used. This option can be used to cater to various requirements like Address Change request, No objection certificate request etc.


Travel approval (Related field criteria)

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The related field criteria are the one which helps to relate one form to an another form through lookup field. For example, if the travel request form and the employee form are related to each other through an employee id lookup field in the travel request form, all the fields in the employee form will be listed and matched in the travel request form criteria. You can create an approval to define that employees will be qualified to travel only after a specific period of time. Follow the steps given below to do this. 

Workflow process

  • Click Setup (Gear icon) > Approval > Add Approval
  • Select Travel Request in Form Name

     TipClick here to know how to add a new form.

  • Give a Name for Approval - For eg. Travel Approval
  • Click Set Criteria and select Date of Joining {Work}(Under Employee ID (Employee)), 'Before' from the drop-down list and provide 365 in the Days (you may give the number of days as per your need)

Now, there is a Criteria set, going by which, employee(s)' joining date should be before 365 days of the date on which Travel request is raised. I.e - employees should have completed one year of service for them to be eligible for travel.

  • Click Configure Approver
  • You can either manually configure approvers to approve/reject the form or enable the system to auto approve/auto reject the form based on your requirement

To configure approvers manually, you can choose from various options like Reporting To(up to 5 levels),Department Lead of Login User, Approver based on Role, Department Head, Department Members, Employee, Form Field etc. You can also enable employee to choose the approver while logging request.

  • To add multi-level approvers, click the add (+) icon and select the Approver type
  • Click Enable follow-up option for this approval, if you want a follow-up e-mail either One-time or Repeat after the number of days from the approval trigger date
  • Click Configure email template
  • Select From, To etc depending on your need
  • Give a suitable subject 
  • You can either create a new template using available merge fields or select from existing ones
  • Click Save

Now, you have created an Approval using which the travel requests of employees who have completed one year of service in the organization can be approved.


How do I create department wise employee count report across locations of my organization?

A report on the number of employees in each department can help you plan your hiring process better. This can be easily obtained using Analytics.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give Employee Count Report as Report name
  • Under Report Type, select Chart
  • Under Report Based on, select Employee

  • Click Create
  • From the list of fields displayed on the left side, drag the Department name field from the Department section and drop it under the column 'X-Axis'
  • In the Department Name dropdown, select 'Actual'
  • From the list of fields displayed on the left side, drag the Employee Id from the Employee section and drop it under the column 'Y axis'
  • In the Employee ID dropdown, select Count
  • Under the Location name column, drag the Location Name field from the Location section that is displayed in the list of fields on the left side and drop it under the column 'Color'
  • In the Location Name dropdown, select Actual
  • Click 'Click Here to Generate Graph'

  • Click Save

You will be able to see the employee count in each department across locations.

Take a look at this video to help you generate this report.

How do I create a report for viewing employee vs hours logged for individual jobs?

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report. Eg - Hours of work for employee vs Jobs
  • Select the Report type

Note: If you would like to get the exact count of the number of employees, it is good to use the Pivot option. If you select Chart, the report will only give a range for employees and not the exact count.

Here, we will be choosing the Pivot option.

  • Select Pivot from the report type
  • Under Report Based On, select Time Logs
  • Click Create

On the left hand side, you will be able to see the list of field names which you can use for your columns, rows and for data.

  • Select the Employee Name field from the Employee section
  • Drag and drop this to the Rows section
  • From the Jobs section, select Job Name and drag and drop it in the Rows section
  • From the Time Log section, drag the Hours field and drop it in the Data section
  • Click on 'Click here to generate Pivot'
  • Click Save

You will see the Pivot chart displayed as shown in the video below. You can also see the grand total at the bottom.

How do I extract a report to view time logs for a particular month for employees?

Follow the steps given below to generate this report.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report - Eg : Monthly time log report for Employees
  • Under Report Type, select Pivot
  • Under Report Based on, select Time Logs
  • Click Create

On the left hand side, you will see that there are section under which field names are grouped together.

  • Drag the Date field from the Time logs section and drop it in the Columns section
  • After the drag and drop, you will be able to see that there is a drop down for the date field
  • Select the Full date option here
  • Drag and drop the Job Name field, from the Job section in the Rows section
  • Drag the Employee name field from the Employee section and drop it in the Rows section
  • Drag the Hours field from the Time Logs section and drop it in the Data section of the Pivot
  • Under the Filter, drag and drop the Job Name field from the Jobs section and select 'Actual' from the drop down
  • Check the Jobs for which you would need the report
  • Drag and drop the Date field from the Time Logs section and select 'Actual' in the drop down
  • Check the Month for which the report needs to be generated
  • Click on 'Click to Generate Pivot'
  • Click Save

It will be useful to watch the video given below for generating this report. 

How do I generate a report to view estimated hours against logged hours for employees?

Follow the steps given below to get this report generated.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report - Eg - Estimated hours vs logged hours for employees
  • Under Report type, select Chart
  • Under Report based on, select Time Logs
  • Click Create

On the left hand side, you will see that there are section under which field names are grouped together.

  • From the Jobs section, drag the Job Name filed and drop it in the X axis section
  • Drag the Hours field from the Assignees section and drop it in the Y axis section
  • Drag the Hours field from the Time Log section of the left hand side and drop it in the Y axis section

In this report, we will be using a filter and an user filter. The filter tab will be used to display the fields that should be filtered. In this case, you can choose to filter out and display only some of the jobs. User Filter helps you choose the field that will be visible as filter in the view mode. Here, we can select the Employee Name field as user filter so that the report can be seen only for specific employees.

  • Select the Job Name from the Jobs section and drop it under the Filter tab
  • Under Values, check the Job names that need to be displayed. You can also search for a job name using the Search tab
  • Select the Employee Name from the Employee section on the left hand side and drop it under the User Filter tab

If you hover your mouse over the field name, you will see that there is an edit option (pencil icon). You can click on this to select options like Single select (to filter a single value from the drop down), Multi select (to select more than one value from the drop down). You can also delete the user filter by using the delete icon. This icon can be seen if you hover the mouse over the user filter name.

Once you have selected the field names for filter and user filter, click on 'Click to generate graph'

You will be able to see the report as shown in the video given below. 

You will be able to see the filter at the left side top corner using which you can select the user for whom you need to see the report.

How do I generate a report to view the billable status of jobs for specific employees?

Follow the steps given below to generate this report.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report - Eg - Billable status of jobs for employees
  • Under Report type, select Chart
  • Under Report based on, select Time Logs
  • Click Create

On the left hand side, you will see that there are section under which field names are grouped together.

  • Select the Job name from the Jobs field and drop it in the X axis section
  • Select the employee name from the Employee field and drop it in the Y axis section. Here, you will be able to see a drop down embedded in the field name. Select 'Count' from the drop down
  • From the Time Logs section, select Billable Status field and drop it in the color section
  • Drag the Employee Name from the Employee section and drop it under User Filter
  • Click on 'Click here to generate graph'
  • Click Save

Under Filter, you can choose the employee name whose report you want to see.

Take a look at the video given below to generate this report. 

How do I generate a report to see employees' weekly time log details for a particular client?

Follow the steps given below to generate this report.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report Eg - Weekly Time log details
  • Under Report Type, select Pivot
  • Under Report Based on, select Time Logs
  • Click Create
  • Drag the Employee Name field from the Employee section on the left hand side and drop it under Column
  • Drag the Job name field from the Jobs section on the left hand side and drop it under Rows
  • Drag the Hours field from the Time Logs section on the left hand side and drop it under Data
  • Select 'Distinct' from the drop down in order to get the hours rounded off
  • Drag the Client Name field from the Clients section on the left hand side, drop it under Filter and select the option 'Actual' from the drop down

The list of all clients will get displayed.

  • Select the client name as required
  • Drag the Date field from the Time Logs section on the left hand side, drop it under Filter and select the option 'Relative' from the drop down
  • In the next row, select Week from the list Common, Year, Quarter etc
  • Check 'This Week' among the options like This Week, last week, Next Week etc

Selecting This week is essential when you would like to generate report for the current week.

  • Click on 'Click to Generate Pivot'
  • Click Save

Now, you will be able to see the report of Time logs that are done for the current week for employees. The video given below will help you have this report generated. 

How do I create a report to see the monthly count of new joinees in each department?

Using Analytics, you can create a report to give you the count of new joiness of each department month wise.

Follow the steps given below to generate this report.

  • From your home page, go to Analytics > Create Report
  • Give a name for the report. Eg - Monthly new joinee report
  • Under Report Type, select Pivot'
  • Under Report based on, select Employee and click Create
  • From the Designation section on the left hand side, drag the designation name and drop it under Rows
  • From the Department section on the left hand side, drag the department name and drop it under Rows
  • From the Employee section on the left hand side, drag the Employee Name and drop it under Rows

Now the report will reflect the Employee names and give details like their designation name and department name. In order to find out the total number of new joinees in each department, the date of joining field should be used.

  • Drag the Date of Joining field from the Employee section on the left hand side and drop it under User Filters
  • Click Generate Report and click Save

The report generated will have an user filter in which you can give a date range (in this case you can select the desired month as the range). You will be able to see the new joinee count for each department listed.