
Setting up leave policies is an integral part of onboarding because soon after employees start using the HR tool, they will have to update their leave information. Leave policies can be set based on gender, roles etc. You can also have accrual based leave types set using Zoho People.

Setting new leave policy:

Go to the Leave Settings page (Home > Leave Tracker > Settings > Leave Type > Add).

  • Under Leave entitlement, give details like Name, Leave Unit, etc.

You can set whether your leave type should be a paid one or an unpaid one.

  • Under 'Applicable For', you can make a selection from options like Departments, Designations, Locations etc and under 'Not Applicable For', you can create exceptions
  • Under 'Leave Entitlement' > Period, you can set Accrual

'Accrual' is the method in which you define that the leave that you set should be utilized within a specific period of time. For eg, if you select 'Monthly' here and give the count as 1, then it means that your employees will be eligible to take 1 day per month. Whether you want to enable them to take this 1 day at the beginning of the month or at the end of the month is what you will define under 'On'.

  • Select 'Experienced based' option if the leave days should be different for employees with more experience

Advanced Settings:

Holiday / Weekend Settings

Here, you can define whether the leave days should include or exclude the weekends and holidays. In case you want to include the weekend and holidays, you can drill down and set that the weekends/holidays should be included if the total number of leave days exceed 'X' no of days. You can also set if the leave days mean Calendar days or Business days.

Leave Restrictions:

Here, you can set restrictions like Maximum number of consecutive days of leave allowed etc. For leave types like Sick Leave, you can also enable a file upload option here, so that attachments like Medical Certificate/Fitness Certificate can be uploaded.

Clubbing Policy

Clubbing Policy helps you restrict employees from taking leave by clubbing different leave types.

Note: You need to enable Clubbing Policy in all the leave types which you do not want employees to club. I.e - if you do not want Casual Leave to be clubbed with Sick Leave, then you have to enable this Settings in both the leave types (Casual Leave and Sick Leave)

Leave Balance Restrictions:

In this section, you can create restrictions for the leave balance. You can define how the leave balance should be calculated for an employee at the time of applying leave. Similarly, you can also set if excess leave (beyond the entitlement) should be marked as loss of pay for the leave type.

New Joinee Leave Entitlement details:

In this section, you can define Settings like the number of waiting days for an employee to be eligible for leave under the leave type. Similarly, you can also set the allowed leave count during the Probation period. The leave entitlement for the month of joining can also be determined here based on the date on which the employee joins.

Roll over /Carry forward Settings:

Here, you can define if the leave should be carried forward to the following year. You can also set the maximum number of days that can be carried forward.


Here, you can give a Start Date and Expiry Date for the leave type. This means that the leave can be availed only during the period that is selected here.