
Once you have set your Organizational details, it is important to have users added to your account. Adding users can be done in more than one ways and it is an easy process. There are three methods of adding users. This is explained in the image below. 



You can sign up for your Zoho People account either using an organization account or using a general account.

How to verify your domain? 

Once you have signed up with your organization account, you can get your domain verified by following the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Organization > Domains > Add Domain
  • Enter your domain name and click Save

A mail will be automatically sent to Zoho People for domain verification, which usually takes up to 24hours. Once the domain is verified, you will be notified.

As the next step to domain verification, you can add users directly to this domain. The steps to do this are mentioned below.

1. Add User(s) Directly:

In this method, you can directly add your users to your verified domain. This works if you have a single or a small number of users to be added. The steps to do this are given below.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click on 'Add' and select 'Add user directly' / 'Add multiple Users directly'
  • Give email id, password (temporary) and select the domain from the drop down
  • Click 'Add new' to add more than one user
  • Click Save

Your users are now added to the system and you can communicate the credentials to your users for them to log into their account for the first time. The password can be changed by them once they log in.

In case you have a bulk of users to be added, you can use the 'Import' option.

What is the advantage of adding users directly?

By adding users directly to your account, you save the time involved in sending out invitations to your users. This method has no invitation process and users are added directly with much more ease.

2. Import User(s) directly:

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click Import and select Import Users
  • Upload your file with details in the same format given in the sample file given below
  • Click Submit

Your users are imported into the system.

Sample File: (Click on the file for better view)



If you sign up using a general domain, then you will not be able to verify this domain. In this case, you can add users to your organization by sending them email invites. The steps are given below.

Invite user/users:

In this method, your users will be sent an email invitation. Once they accept the invitation, they will be directed to a page where they can set their password. To invite user(s), follow the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click on 'Add' and select Invite user/Invite multiple users
  • Enter email id(s) of your users and click Invite

Once you click Invite, an invitation is sent to the email address mentioned. This email will expire in 7 days and if the user does not accept the invitation within this time, then a re-invite needs to be sent.

Import User:

In this method, you will be importing users into the system.   

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click on 'Import' and select 'Import User'
  • Click on 'Upload File' and select the respective file 
  • Map the fields, handle duplicates if any and click Next

Sample File

The users will receive an invitation to their email ids. Once they accept the invitation, they will be part of the organization. They can change the password when they log in.


Adding users to your Zoho People account can be done by synchronizing with other services like Zoho Mail, GApps, and Office365. Follow the steps given below.

Zoho Mail:

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click 'Sync' and select 'Import from Zoho Mail'
  • Search the user using the Search tab or select the users directly from the list and click on 'Import User'

The user gets added as part of your Zoho People account and you can view this under Employee > Users

Import from GApps:

If you are using google apps, then you can also import your GApps users to Zoho People.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click 'Sync' and select 'Import from GApps'
  • Select the users and click 'Import User'

The user(s) gets added as part of your Zoho People account and you can view them under Employee > Users. 

Note: User should register with Zoho People using the same email id with which the user has registered in GApps. 

If the organization domain is verified, then the user can become part of the organization once you import them from GApps. If the organization domain is not verified, then the user(s) will be prompted to create a Zoho account.

Note: You should install Zoho People app from google marketplace to be able to utilize this function.

Import from Office365:

If you have users of Office365, then you can sync with Zoho People using the steps below.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (Gear icon) > Employee > Users
  • Click 'Sync' and select 'Import from Office365'
  • Select the users and click 'Import User'

The user(s) gets added as part of your Zoho People account and you can view them under Employee > Users

Note: User should register with Zoho People using the same email id with which the user has registered in Office365.

Note: You should install Zoho People app from office store to be able to utilize this function.

Employee Profiles:

Apart from active users, you may have staff who are on a contract or temporary basis. Using Zoho People, you can maintain their details on the system without providing any access to them. Follow the steps given below to add users as Employee Profiles/Non-users.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Employee > Employee Profiles
  • Click on 'Add Employee Profile', enter the mandatory details and click 'Add'

The user gets to the system but does not have any access to it. If you would like to add a bulk of non-users, you can do it by Importing employee profiles.

  • From your home page, go to Settings (gear icon) > Employee > Employee Profiles
  • Click on 'Import Employee Profiles'
  • Upload the file 
  • Map fields, handle duplicates and click Next

The employee profiles are now imported into the system.

Organization Tree:

Depending on the Department name and the Reporting To given in the Employee form, the Organization Tree and the Department Tree gets created. Any changes made in these fields will automatically be updated in the Organization Tree and the Department Tree. 

Changing the Administrator/ Reporting Manager:

The need to change the administrator might arise in scenarios where the existing administrator changes team or resigns from the organization. To make an employee as the administrator, go to the Employee Form of the employee/user. Edit the form and change the role. Anyone who belongs to the 'Administrator' role, becomes the administrator of Zoho People. Similarly, due to reasons like Team Change or promotions, you will come across the need to change the Reporting Manager for the employee. This can also be done by editing the 'Reporting to' field in the Employee form.