
Measuring Performance is key to improve the focus of your employees. They are more focussed and more motivated with the right feedback reaching them. It also helps them to gauge their own performance and make progress where ever needed. Zoho People uses various modules like Goals, Skill Sets, Feedback, Appraisal Cycle etc to measure performance.

How you can measure performance:

  • Goals: Goals help employees to get a good grip of their work. When there are goals set, measuring the work done to attain these goals can be done easily. Aligning oneself towards individual goals also makes employees understand their contribution towards organizational goals. Goals can be added by Self or Reporting Manager based on Settings that you define. Once defined, these Goals can be rated by the individual following which the Manager's ratings can be given. Goals rating is done by clicking on the five stars under each Goal
  • KRA: Key Result Areas can be tagged to a Department or Designation or both. Depending on your need, you can also map Goals to the KRA. Rating of the KRA can also be done similar to the way that Goals are rated with the help of the five stars
  • Skill Set: Skill Sets are defined for different domains by the Administrator. Once this is done, depending on the Permissions set, an individual can tag himself/herself to a skill set. For eg. If someone is from the 'Development' Domain, then, the Skill Sets for that employee could be Java, C+ etc. Once the employee is tagged to Skill Sets, these can be rated in a scale of 1-4, where 1 is the lowest score and 4 is the highest score. Any upgrade made to a skill set can also be updated on the system


  • Potential: You can set the range for Low, Medium and High potential. Potential is the score against skill sets defined. I.e - If the score against a set of skill sets is low, then the inference is that the employee is of Low potential
  • Appraisal Cycle: Apart from the ones that are listed above, you can also use Appraisal Cycle to measure performance. In an Appraisal cycle, you can do the following:

    a. Include Employees/Users for an appraisal cycle depending on their Date of joining, Location, Role, Department etc

    b. Add Self-Appraisal as part of the cycle

    c. Include modules like KRA and Goals for the cycle

    d. Include Multi-rater review as part of the cycle

    e. Set different levels of Reviewers for the Appraisal Cycle

    f. Define what fields should be published to the user as the outcome of the Appraisal Cycle

Apart from measuring Performance, you can also enable continuous and instant Feedback for your Organization. There are three types of Feedback available which are:

  • Peer to Peer: This is the feedback given by members of the same department between each other
  • Reporting To: This feedback is given by the Reporting Manager to the Reportees
  • 360 Degree : This feedback is given across the Department by anyone to anyone including the Reporting Manager

Apart from this, you also enable Anonymous Feedback option for your Organization.

How an Appraisal Cycle works:

To start an appraisal cycle:

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Appraisal Cycle > Add
  • Enter details like Appraisal Name, Period etc
  • Give a name and enter the period for which the appraisal is applicable
  • Give a description if needed
  • Enter the Process Period and the Self Appraisal Period
Note: Process period is the time taken for the appraisal cycle to get completed.

The Self appraisal period is the period within which employees should complete their self-appraisal.

  • Under 'Modules to be included' you can either select KRA or Goals or KRA vs Goals

Note: You can either do the performance review by the KRAs/Goals added or have Goals mapped to the KRAs and give a rating for them.

There are some email alerts that are already configured to notify employees when the appraisal cycle starts, to remind reviewers to complete their review etc. You can customize these mail alerts or also add new email alerts as required.

 Tip : To customize the already configured email alerts, go to Settings > Automation > Workflow. Click on the respective workflow to edit it. Click here to know how to create new email alerts.

  • Attach any document for Self Appraisal if needed from your desktop
  • If you would like to enable Multi - Rater feedback, check the box
  • Give a cut-off date within which the multi raters review should be completed
  • Select the modules for which Multi Rater feedback should be included
  • Set whether the Multi rater(s) should be chosen by the User or by the Reporting Manager
  • Give a maximum and minimum number of Multi-Raters that should be chosen
  • Enter the Review Period and Normalization Period

Note: Review Period is the time frame for the review to get completed.

Normalization period refers to the period within which the feedback, summary etc should be collated.

  • Enter the details in the Appraisal Process Configuration Details
  • Under Applicable for, you can define who are eligible for the appraisal. You can set a joining date range defining that employees who join in this range are eligible for the appraisal cycle
  • Enter details like Location, Role, and Department for which the appraisal cycle is applicable 
  • Under 'Fields to be published', make a selection based on what you would like your employees to view as their Appraisal Process result
  • Under Rating, edit existing rating or add new ones if needed
  • Under Reviewers, you can define the number of levels of appraisal that you would like to have. This also includes any external reviewer (other than reporting to) that you would like to select
  • Click Submit 

Once the appraisal cycle is started, employees will be able to do the self-appraisal, Multi-Raters can give their rating and managers can do the review for their subordinates and the final rating can be published.

Self-Appraisal and Multi-Rater Feedback:

Self-Appraisal can be done by employees/users under My Review > Self Appraisal under each KRA and associated Goals if any. Manager's rating can also be done from Performance > Team Mates > Appraisee View. When the employee/User is selected, the Manager will be able to go to the Self-Appraisal tab and in this tab, the rating can be done.

For Multi-Rater review too, the rating can be given by the Multi-Rater under the Multi-Rater tab under Performance > Team Mates > Multi-Rater Feedback

The Performance Review can be done by the Reporting Manager from Performance > Team Mates > Review tab. The Rating can be published from Performance > Team Mates > Appraisee View by clicking on the 'Publish' option