Evaluating Performance:

How can I evaluate employee's performance?

You can make use of the modules listed below to evaluate your employee's performance.

  • Goals - Defining goals gives your employees more focus. It helps you measure performance better. These goals can also be linked to the jobs that you create in Time Tracker.

  • Skillset - Helps you create skill sets for domains. This can be then mapped to employees to evaluate their performance.

  • KRA - Helps to define Key Result Areas in order to measure performance with respect to the defined KRAs. Goals can also be mapped to KRAs and the same can be rated.

  • Competencies - Helps to define the competencies required for an employee to fulfil the duties as defined for his/her designation/role. 

  • Feedback - Giving and receiving feedback is essential for the growth of an organization. The Feedback module helps your employees give and take feedback through three methods - peer to peer, Reporting To and 360 degrees.

  • Summary - Writing periodic summaries go a long way in helping managers during the final performance evaluation.


How can goals be added? Can employees add their own goals?

Adding and tracking goals can go a long way in measuring performance. Follow the steps given below to add goals.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Team Mates
  • Under Peers view, use the filter to search for employees based on Manager's name
  • Click on the employee name

  • Go to Goals > Add Goal
  • Enter the required details

  • Click Submit

Apart from the administrator, goals can also be added by employees by going to Self Service > Goals > Add Goal.

I would like to give access to the mentors for the Goals module. Is this possible?

Usually, the permissions are enabled for Reporting Managers to access the Goals of their subordinates. However, in cases where you have a mentor who you would like to handle the Goals module of subordinates, you can assign special permissions for them. In your employee form, you can create a lookup field called 'Appraisee' and assign permissions for this field. Follow the steps given below to do this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings
  • Under 'Goals Module Access', check the box 'Enable Module Access'
  • Under 'Select form field', select the lookup field that you have created in your employee form - in this case, the field name will be 'Mentor'

The field 'Mentor' is nothing but a lookup field, which will have the values imported from the Employee form and the Employee ID field.

  • Under 'Permissions', select the type of permission that you would like to set
  • Click Submit
Note: In the Employee form of each employee, the field 'Mentor' should be filled with the respective Mentor's name.

Depending on the permission that you have set, the Mentor who is chosen in the Employee form for each employee form will have access for the Goals module.

How can goals be tracked?

Defining goals helps you measure performance better. The goals that are added can be linked to the jobs that are already created in Time Tracker. 

Click on Jobs of the desired role to either add a new job for the goal or to associate existing jobs. By doing this, you can track the number of hours worked on each goal. 


How can I add skill sets?

  • To add skill sets, go to Performance>Settings>Skill Set>Add
  • Enter Domain name and add skill sets

  • Click Submit

How can I create a skill set matrix for my organization?

  • From your home page, go to Performance>Team Mates > Peer View
  • Use the filter to search for employees based on Manager's name
  • Click on the employee for who the skill set needs to be assigned
  • Click Tag Skillset

When you select the domain name from the drop-down, the skill sets pertaining to that domain will get listed.

  • Check the ones that need to be mapped
  • Click Submit

Once the skill sets are mapped, you will be able to see the skill set matrix under Performance > Team Mates > Skill Set Matrix

Can I filter employees based on their skill sets?

Filtering your employees based on their skill sets help you identify the number of employees in your organization under different skill sets. This also gives you an insight during recruitment on the skill sets under which you need to recruit more people.

  • From your home page, go to Performance>Team Mates>SkillSet Matrix
  • Under Skills, enter the skills based on which you need the search to be done

  • Enter the Experience details and hit Search

You will be able to see the list of employees who fall under the specified skill set.


What is the purpose of KRAs? How can I define them for my organization?

KRA or Key Result areas can be used as a tool to measure performance, along with other modules like Goals, Skillset etc. KRAs can be created and mapped to a department or a Designation or both or to a location. 

The image below explains how KRA can be used. 


You can decide whether the permission should be given to Reporting Manager or Users to tag KRAs.

To do this

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Permissions
  • Under KRA, click on Self/Reporting to enable or disable Users/Reporting Managers to tag KRA

To add a KRA and map it to a Department or Designation:

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > KRA
  • Click on 'Add KRA' and enter the KRA name

To tag the KRA to a Department/Designation/Location,

  • click on 'Tag KRA'
  • Under Tag by, select Department/Designation or both/Location and select the desired option(s)
  • Give a weightage for the KRA if required and click on 'Submit'

Now, a KRA has been added to the Designation/Department or both. Employees/Users who belong to the respective Designations/Department or both will be able to see the KRAs available for them. They can tag themselves by following the steps given below.

  • Go to Performance > My Review > KRA
  • Click on 'Tag KRA', select the KRA and click on 'Submit

 Tip: Click here to know more about Multi-rater review

You can either rate the KRAs individually or have Goals mapped to the KRAs and rate the Goals. You have the option to decide which method you would like to follow.

 Tip: Ensure that you have enabled the respective modules under Performance > Settings > Performance Modules

Depending on your selection, you will be able to see the tab listed under 'My Review' for users. The KRAs will be listed and users can add Goals to these KRAs by clicking on 'Add Goals'. Once goals are added, users can update their progress on the goal by entering the value in the box given. After this, they can rate their goals. Once users give their rating, managers can give their rating for the particular goal by following the steps given below.

  • Go to Performance > Team Mates > Appraisee View
  • Select the employee and go to KRA Vs Goals tab
  • Rate the KRA/Goals or both

If you decide to include KRA as a tool to measure performance, you can include it as part of Self-Appraisal, Multi-rater review for the Appraisal Cycle, when it is time for your Appraisal Cycle (provided you have enabled these)

 Tip: Click here to know how to start an Appraisal Cycle.


What is the purpose of 'Competency'?

Competency can be defined as the qualities that are desirable for an individual to work and can be used to evaluate the performance of employees. For example, for a Product Manager, the Competencies are Business Strategy, Change Management, Decision Making etc. For a Technical Writer, the Competencies are Writing Skills, Awareness of User experience, Awareness of Marketing scope etc.

You can also tag competencies to Departments or Designations or Roles. Once tagged, you can utilize it as one of the modules for evaluation of performance. Weightage can be given for Competencies, a rating can be done and they can be included as part of an appraisal cycle.

As the first step, you need to first enable the module

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Performance Modules

  • Click on 'Competency' to enable it

To add competencies:

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Competency
  • Click on 'Add Competency'
  • Give a title and description
  • Click Submit

To Tag Competency:

  • From the drop-down, select whether the Competency should be tagged based on Department or Designation or Role
  • Click on 'Tag Competency'
  • Under 'Designation' drop-down, select the Designation
  • Under Competency, select the Competency and enter the weightage

  • Click Submit

To include Competency as part of the Appraisal Cycle:

  • Go to Performance > Settings > Appraisal Cycle > Add
  • Enter the required details like Name, Appraisal Cycle period etc
  • Under 'Module(s) to be included', select 'Competency'
  • Enable to 'Set Module Weightage' option if required
  • Give the required weightage for Competency

For example, if you have included KRA and Competency as modules to be included, then you can define the weightage that should be given for KRA and for Competency. This Option is helpful to define the module importance by giving different weightage. For Example, In some organizations Goals have more weightage than competencies. By making use of this option, it can be made clear as to which module should be given more importance.

  • Enter other details under 'Applicable For', 'Reviewers' etc.
     Tip: Click here to know in detail the steps for creating an appraisal cycle.
  • Click Submit

When an appraisal cycle is initiated, the rating will be given (by Self/Multi-Rater/Reviewer as configured in the cycle) for the modules selected as per the weightage that is set.

Consider this scenario. Assume that you have defined the following KRAs and Competencies for a designation - Product Manager

KRA - Product Management

Competencies - Business Strategy, Decision Making, Change Management

KRA weightage 60%

Competency Weightage -40%

Assume that there are 5 such KRAs and 4 such competencies added. Then the average rating will be - (Average of the sum of KRAs rating(s))x 60% + (Average of the sum of competencies Ratings)x 40%. This average rating can be used by the reviewer to give the final review for the employee.

Appraisal Process

How do I initiate the appraisal process?

  • To begin the appraisal cycle, go to Performance>Settings> Appraisal Cycle>Add
  • Give a name and enter the period for which the appraisal is applicable
  • Give a description if needed
  • Enter the Process Period and the Self Appraisal Period
Note: Process period is the time taken for the appraisal cycle to get completed.

The Self-appraisal period is the period within which employees should complete their self-appraisal.

  • Under 'Modules to be included' you can either select KRA or Goals or KRA vs Goals

Note: You can either do the performance review by the KRAs/Goals added or have Goals mapped to the KRAs and give a rating for them.

There are some email alerts that are already configured to notify employees when the appraisal cycle starts, to remind reviewers to complete their review etc. You can customize these mail alerts or also add new email alerts as required.

 Tip: To customize the already configured email alerts, go to Settings > Automation > Workflow. Click on the respective workflow to edit it. Click here to know how to create new email alerts.

  • Attach any document for Self Appraisal if needed from your desktop
  • If you would like to enable Multi - Rater feedback, check the box
  • Give a cut-off date within which the multi raters' selection should be completed
  • Give a cut-off date within which the multi raters' review should be completed
  • Select the modules for which Multi Rater feedback should be included
  • Set whether the Multi-rater(s) should be chosen by the User or by the Reporting Manager
  • Give a maximum and minimum number of Multi-Raters that should be chosen
  • Enter the Review Period and Normalization Period

Note: Review Period is the time frame for the review to get completed.

Normalization period refers to the period within which the feedback, summary etc should be collated.

  • Enter the details in the Appraisal Process Configuration Details
  • Under Applicable for, you can define who is eligible for the appraisal. You can set a joining date range defining that employees who join in this range are eligible for the appraisal cycle
  • Enter details like Location, Role, and Department for which the appraisal cycle is applicable 
  • Under 'Fields to be published', make a selection based on what you would like your employees to view as their Appraisal Process result
  • Under Rating, edit existing rating or add new ones if needed
  • Under Reviewers, you can define the number of levels of appraisal that you would like to have. This also includes an external reviewer (other than reporting to) that you would like to select
  • Click Submit 

Once the appraisal cycle is started, employees will be able to do the self-appraisal, Multi-Rates can give their rating and managers can do the review for their subordinates and the final rating can be given.

How can I communicate regarding appraisal to my employees?

There are some notifications that are already configured for each step of performance evaluation. Notifications will be sent automatically as and when each step gets completed in the appraisal process. 

You can customize these notifications.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Notifications

You will be able to see all the configured mail alerts.

  • Click on the Edit icon to edit the mail alert

You can also disable the notifications under Automation > Workflow

How can I show consolidated salary after the hike is entered?

The salary of the employees should be in the system for the updated salary after appraisal to be reflected.

To add or import employee salary:

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Employee Salary

  • Add Salary or Import salary details in one go

During the review, once the hiked amount is entered, the consolidated amount will be calculated based on the salary details that have been added/imported.


What are the different types of feedback that can be enabled for the organization?

There are three types of feedback that you can enable on your account.

As an administrator, you will be able to enable the type of feedback that will suit your organization.

Peer to peer - This is the feedback given to members of the same departments to each other. Feedback can be given to anyone other than the Reporting manager.

Reporting to - In this type of feedback, the manager gives feedback to the team members who are their direct reports.

360 degree - Under 360-degree feedback, an employee can give feedback to everyone in the department including the manager.

Note: Feedback can be given at any point of the year irrespective of the appraisal cycle.


  • To define the feedback type, go to Performance > Settings > Feedback

  • The feedback type can be enabled or disabled by clicking on it

What is the purpose of Multi-rater feedback? How do I use it?

Multi-rater feedback is a method by which a manager can assess the performance of his/her subordinates. This is useful in scenarios where the employees' performance can be rated by someone other than the reporting manager. For example, if an employee is working on a project with some other employees, then the rating can be obtained from these employees.

There are two ways of selecting Multi-raters.

1. The first method is where the employees/reviewees can select the multi-raters themselves. In this case, if Approvals are configured, then the Reporting Manager gets to approve/reject the multi-raters who are chosen by the employee.

2. In the second method, the Reporting Manager/Admin selects the multi-raters.

The rating given by the multi-raters can be for KRAs/Goals or KRA Vs Goals depending on the modules selected. Similarly, you can decide whether to include Multi-raters' feedback as part of the Appraisal Cycle. If it is included as part of the Appraisal Cycle, then the rating should be given by employees (if self-appraisal is included), then the rating will be given for the chosen modules by the multi-raters. As the final step, the Reviewer will rate the employees and publish the rating if required, depending on the configuration set under Performance > Settings > Appraisal Cycle > Add > Publish Configuration > Publisher(s)

The Multi-rater review is done by making use of a form. So, as the first step, you need to first enable the Multi-rater Review form. To do this

  • From your home page, go to Settings > Forms and Tabs
  • Select 'Performance' under Tab Name
  • Ensure that the Multi-rater Review form is enabled

This form can be customized with fields as per your needs. In case you are not using KRA/Goals to assess performance, you can add some fields denoting some parameters based on which you would like to have the feedback given by the Multi-raters. You can also use this in addition to the KRAs/Goals.

Once you have enabled this form, you will be able to see the Multi-rater feedback section in the Appraisal Cycle.

To add an Appraisal Cycle

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > Appraisal Cycle
  • Click on 'Add'
  • Enter values under each section
  • Under Multi-rater Feedback, check the 'Enable' box
  • Give a cut-off date if needed
  • Under Modules to be included, you will see the modules that you enabled. (KRA/Goals/KRA Vs Goals). Check the appropriate box based on your need
  • Under Assessor(s) selected by, if you select 'User', then users will be able to select their Multi-raters. If you select 'Reporting Manager', then the Reporting Managers can only select the Multi-raters
  • Give a minimum and a maximum number of Assessors
  • Define the other periods like Review Period, Normalization period etc and click 'Submit'

Once you have finished creating the Appraisal cycle, self-appraisal will be done by employees (if included). This will be followed by the Multi-raters' review (if included) and finally the Reporting manager can give his/her rating for the employee.

Users' rating for KRA/Goals:

Users can follow the steps given below to do a self-rating.

  • Go to Performance > My Review > KRA/Goals/KRA Vs Goals
  • Click on the KRA to rate it

Note: If you have Goals mapped to the KRA, then the progress of the Goals should be entered and then the Goals should be rated.

To select Multi-raters:

  • Go to Performance > My Review > Multi-rater Selection
  • Select the employee who has to be made as the Multi-rater
  • Click on 'Submit for Approval'

Note: Approvals should have been configured for this.

 Tip: Click here to know how to do Approvals.

Once the request is submitted for Approval, the Reporting Manager can Approve/ Reject it by going to Performance > Team Mates > Multi-rater Approvals.

Once, the User selects the Multi-raters, the Multi-raters will receive an email with the Multi-rater Review form (based on email configurations under Settings > Workflow). They can give their rating in the form. Once this is done, the Reporting Manager can complete their rating by following the steps given below.

  • Go to Performance > Team Mates > Appraisee View
  • Click on the Employee Name
  • Rate the KRA/Goals/KRA Vs Goals if required
  • Go to Review
  • View the feedback given by Multi-raters under Multi-rater Feedback
  • Click on Review and complete the review

  • Click Submit

The ratings done by self/Multi-raters/Reporting Manager will be for the modules that you have chosen in the Appraisal Cycle.

Is it possible for the reporting manager to select the multi - raters in case the user/appraisee has not done this?

Yes. This is possible. As per your organization policies, you may have set that the user/appraisee should select the multi-raters. However, in case of scenarios like long leave, unexpected leave or in cases where the user/appraisee has not selected the multi raters within the cut-off date, you cannot keep the Appraisal process waiting. In such scenarios, the Reporting Manager of the user/appraisee will, by default have the permission to add multi-raters for the cycle.

To add Multi-raters for the Appraisee, follow the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Team Mates > Multi-Rater selection
  • Click the Appraisee name for whom you would like to add Multi-Rater(s)
  • Under 'Users', select the appropriate name
  • Click on the '+ Add Row' icon to add more than one Multi - Rater
  • Click Submit

Note:There won't be any approvals involved here since the Multi - Raters are chosen by the Reporting Manager himself/herself.


Is it possible to give feedback to someone anonymously within the department?

This is possible if you have enabled Anonymous feedback for your organization. Anonymous feedback helps the feedback mechanism working and also ensures a healthy relationship between members of a department. 

To enable Anonymous feedback,

  • From your self-service page, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings
  • Enable Anonymous feedback

Once this is enabled, follow the steps given below to give anonymous feedback

  • From Self-service page, go to Performance > My Review > Feedback
  • Type the feedback, select the recipient of the feedback from the drop down
  • Check the 'Anonymous' box and click Submit

The feedback will be sent to the intended recipient as an anonymous one.


I would like to set a separate admin for the Performance module alone. Is it possible?

Although you may have many administrators for your account, you may have the need to restrict access to the Performance Module to one or two administrators. You will be able to do this with Custom Admin option. Follow the steps given below to do this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings
  • Under 'Custom Admin', check the 'Enable Custom Admin' box
  • Under 'Performance Module Administrator(s)', select the administrators who are specific for this module alone
  • Under 'Select role for other administrators', select the role
  • Click Submit

Note 1: The other administrators of the organization will be assigned to this role for the Performance Module alone. For the other modules, they will continue to be the administrators.


Note 2: Non-admin Users who have been added as Administrators for Performance module through Admin Operations (User Access Control > Permissions > Admin Operations) will continue to remain as administrators for the module.



How do I see a report of all completed goals?

Follow the steps given below to see a report of all the completed goals.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Goals Report
  • Click on the filter

  • Under 'Status', select 'Completed' and hit Search

You will be able to see the list of completed goals.

How do I see goals report for a particular employee?

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Goals Report
  • Click on the filter

  • Select the employee from the 'Department Members' filter and hit Search

You will be able to see the goals report of the selected employee.

I would like to see the goals that have the due date within a particular week. Is this possible?

Follow the steps given below to see this report.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Goals Report
  • Click on the filter

  • Under 'Due Date', select the date range and hit Search

You will be able to see the goals that are due today.

I would like to see the list of employees who are under a particular rating in an Appraisal Cycle. Is this possible?

In some cases, you might have the need to see the list of employees who fall under a particular rating (For eg - 'Needs Improvement') to assess training needs etc. In this case, you can follow the steps given below to obtain a report.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Appraisal Report
  • Click on the filter
  • Under 'Appraisal Cycle' drop-down, select the required cycle

  • Under 'Rating' drop-down, select the rating and hit Search

You will be able to see the desired report.

I want to export a report of ratings of all employees of a particular location for a particular appraisal cycle. How can I do this?

It is useful to have access to report with all the ratings of all employees in a particular location in order to have a consolidated view. Follow the steps given below to do this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Appraisal Report
  • Click on the filter and click 'Advanced'
  • Under 'Appraisal Cycle' drop-down, select the cycle
  • Under 'Work Location' drop-down, select the required location and hit Search

You will be able to see the desired report.

  • Click the ellipsis icon and select Export

Note: Export can be done only in .xls / .csv format.

I would like to see the self-appraisals that are in pending status for a particular appraisal cycle. Is this possible?

If you have enabled self-appraisal for your employees, you will have the need to understand how many employees have not completed self-appraisal. Follow the steps given below to get this report.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Self Appraisal Status
  • Click Filter
  • Under 'Appraisal Cycle' drop-down, select the cycle

  • Under 'Status', select 'Pending' and hit Search

You will be able to see the desired report.

I would like to see the reviews that are in Pending status for an appraisal cycle. Is this possible?

Follow the steps given below to do this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Review Status
  • Click on the Filter
  • Under 'Appraisal Cycle', drop down, select the cycle

  • Under 'Status' select 'Pending' and hit Search

I would like to export the list of completed reviews of a particular manager. Is this possible?

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Review Status
  • Click on the Filter
  • Under 'Manager' drop-down, select the respective Manager

  • Under 'Status' drop-down, select 'Completed' and hit Search

You will be able to see the desired report.

  • Click on ellipsis icon and select Export

Note: Export can be done only in .xls/.csv formats.

I would like to see the growth chart of a particular employee. Is this possible?

In order to measure performance, it is important to observe the growth of an employee. The 'User Rating Report' helps you achieve this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > User Rating Report
  • Click on the user whose chart you would like to see


You will be able to see the chart illustrating the growth of the user across appraisals.

I would like to see the number of consistent performers of a specific department in an Appraisal Cycle. Is this possible?

As an HR, it is useful to have a list of Consistent Performers of a department in order to do Succession Planning. Follow the steps given below to do this.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Performance Vs Potential
  • Click on the Filter
  • Select the cycle from the 'Appraisal Cycle' drop down
  • Select the department from the 'Department' drop down and hit Search

  • Click on the respective box (in this case, the Consistent Star box) to see the list of employees who fall under the specified category, as shown in the image below.

How can I view skill set growth of an employee?

The Skill Set report helps you see the growth in the skill set of an employee. Follow the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Reports > Skill Set Report

  • From the drop-down, select the employee or use the Employee search tab to select the employee

You will be able to see the Skill Set score across a period of time for the employee.

The reporting managers would like to see the list of employees in the organization who are proficient in a particular skill set. Is this possible?

When reporting managers have access to the entire organization's skill set, it is easier for them to know this count. To enable this, follow the steps given below.

  • From your home page, go to Performance > Settings > General Settings
  • Go to 'Skill Set Matrix (Organisation View)'
  • Under 'Choose role(s) for access', select 'Manager'
  • Click Submit

Now, all users who are in the role of 'Manager' can view the skill set matrix across the organization.