Field-Level Customization
- How can I add attachment category?
- How can I edit attachment category?
- How can I delete attachment category?
- How can I add custom fields?
- How can I edit custom fields?
- How can I delete custom fields?
- How can I display required fields or hide unwanted fields?
- How can I add multi-select pick list values?
- How can I add pick list values?
- How can I create auto number fields?
- How can I create currency fields?
- How can I create formula fields?
- How can I create lookup fields?
- How can I create the terms of service field?
- How can I map candidate and contact fields?
- How can I map dependency fields?
- How can I add custom links?
- How can I add note types?
- How can I edit note types?
- How can I delete note types?
Module Customization
- How can I add custom modules?
- How can I edit custom modules?
- How can I delete custom modules?
- How can I link custom modules with other modules?
- How can I create custom list views?
- How can I clone custom list views?
- How can I set up default list view?
- How can I specify list view criteria?
- How can I set the business card view?
- How can I edit criteria patterns?
- How do I add Custom Buttons?
- How can I create email templates?
- How can I edit email templates?
- How can I delete email templates?
- How can I create email template folders?
- How can I create mail merge template folders?
- How can I import mail merge templates from MS Word?
- How can I delete mail merge templates imported from MS Word?
- How can I create SMS templates and folders?
- How can I edit SMS templates and folders?
- How can I delete SMS templates and folders?