Scrub - Clutter-free Inbox

The Scrub feature in Zoho Mail helps you to have a clutter free Inbox, by allowing you to bulk delete/ archive emails from multiple senders in a single step. The Scrub feature works based on the sender of the emails and can be used for up to 5 senders. When there are loads of emails from the same set of senders, you can archive or delete them from the particular folder. 

Check out the video below to know more about Scrub:


Steps to use the Scrub feature:

  1. Login to Zoho Mail.
  2. Navigate to the folder, in which you want to 'Scrub' emails. 
  3. From the listing, select the emails from senders, which you want to remove. 
  4. Click on 'More Actions' from the Top menu bar above the listing. 
  5. Select 'Scrub' from the list of options. 
  6. The Scrub dialog lists the unique sender email addresses based on your selection. You can select up to 5 senders from the list. 
  7. In the Actions, choose Archive, if you want to just remove the emails from the listing but do not want to delete the emails, and retain them for future reference. 
  8. Alternatively, you can choose 'Delete' to delete the emails and do not want to retain them in the folder. 
  9. Based on the action chosen, the emails will be deleted or archived and will be removed from the listing. 

The Scrub feature helps you to maintain a clutter free mailbox when you have accumulated some emails for reference and want to remove them in a single shot. 

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